Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Maadame Helena Blavatsky

As we discussed in the last lesson, Madame Helena Blavatsky was the Master Kuthumi, Master El Morya and especially the young Adept Djwal Khwal's amanuensis from the time she left her military husband while still in her teens - stealing a horse from the regiment and riding off into the Himalayas.  She received a serious wound while escaping from  the military camp and found upon awakening that she had been rescued by her Master, El Morya, who had appeared to her several times when in danger during her childhood. 
The Master El Morya

Master El Morya was a Rajput Prince
of Northern India, who left his Palaces
to become a Tibetan Monk - he has
worked with the Master Kuthumi and Master Djwal Khwal
for many incarnations

 As explained in the last lesson, she was an unusual child both intuitive and provocative, giving her parents family and governesses a run for their money.  Racing horses at breakneck speed at an early age and as a princess she was to marry one of her peers but married beneath her rank in order to escape the confinement of her royal family.

Her single-minded determination to get to the Himalayas as quickly as possible, in order to begin her training and initiations; and in order to perform her role as amanuensis catapulted her from Georgia, Russia over the steppes accompanying her husband and his unit until they reached the foothills of the Himalayas and off she went on her quest for her enlightenment that was to change her life completely.
Alice Bailey
Brought Forth Twenty Four Books
The Teachings of Master D. K. 

She and Alice Bailey both performed the same roles being trained telepathically to receive through directed channels the teaching of Theosophy by HPB, and the teachings of "The Tibetan" a series of twenty four books by Alice Bailey, who also started the Arcane School in New York City for advanced education and the expansion of consciousness through study and meditation.

These two teachings will be the foundation for the future along with a third series that will be introduced at any time now or in the near future by another person chosen by the Masters to complete the new philosophy. (See D.K.;s prophecy on the coming Seventh Ray and how it will be instrumental in the many changes to come to our planet and people in the near future.   I will be quoting from his prophecies in our future lessons- mf

So, let us study along with Master Djwal Khwal the next subject of interest and the future of this sub-root race, who will be working telepathically in the not too distant future:


The present purpose is not ot enter into details about the nature of telepathy, these aspects are fully dealt with in "Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle" (can be purchased at the Arcane School in NYC and/or Amazon).  The following extracts are merely intended to serve as an indication with regard to future trends of development and application of this phenomenon.

(1) The Word Telepathy indicates two powers:
1.  An instinctual registering of some situation, some call and some impression which impinges upon the solar plexus center.  This power of impression is NOT controlled; there is no supervised intentioinal mental perception of a directed message; there is only a tuning in on a state of mind or on a conditon and situation connected with the one who is regarded as sending the message.  In nine cases out of ten, this message is one of distress, and goes forward and produces its effect without any capacity on the part of the recipient to induce the reception of the message  An illustration of this would be the recognition by a mother
that a loved child is in danger.
Instinctiual Telepathy is more predominant within the female as she is the nurturer, protector and guide of the children and the family. This form of Telepathy was most predominant eons ago, during the early stages of evolution. It is still in use among primitive tribes throughout the world.  A good example for our modern times is when the Tsunami hit Banda Aceh, an island of the coast of Thailand in late December 2004.  Everyone including the islanders ran towards the incoming wave as the water rapidly sucked backwards from the shore.  On the island next to Banda Aceh where the natives are still very primitive, they realized something was happening when the birds came flying towards them and past them - they immediately followed the birds towards the hills and were saved  - our modern world has dulled our instinctive nature to the point that we can no longer hear, see, feel or touch in order to tap into our solar plexus energy center. -mf

2.  A form of clairvoyance which enables the man to see that which is hidden, such as the number of symbols on a playing card which is lying face-downwards upon the table.
In the Society of Psychical Research  1895-1972 - much of the research was based upon testing those spiritualists who were clairvoyant, with tests that involved numbers on a paper which were sealed within an envelope and/or reading a group of cards laying face-down upon a  table. mf
True telepathy, however, is a direct mental communication from mind to mind, and in its more advanced expression is a communication of soul to soul, using the mind as a formulator of the communication, as in the case of inspiration.  It is interesting to note - and instructive also in view of our subject - that in true telepathic registration, the lesser powers may be raised and used at high level of awareness.  It is well known esoterically that:
(a) Some people simply record telepathically in their minds the information coming from another mind.  The registration as well as the communication is wordless and formless.  The recipient simply knows, and the imparted knowledge takes form, in the consciousness without any intermediate stages or steps.  This is formless telepathy.
The first True Telepathy is soul to soul, which comes through as knowing what is to be done and recognizing the source while understanding the importance of transmitting the information correctly. Tesla was the receiver of high technology, which was broadcasted to him from Masters working with him on the other side. - mf
(b) Other people instantaneously step down into form the knowledge which has been imparted, they will see the message, word or information appear before their eyes in written or printed form, as if it were imposed upon a moving screen, seen within the head.
Both Godfre Ray King and his wife, Lotus, who headed the I AM Group back in the twenties and thirties,  could see the written words that were being dictated to them from the Master St. Germain; and many people in the first few rows of the audience could also see the written words suspended before them. mf
(c) Others will step the information down into form, whereby they hear it.
In  the story of the Three Children of Fatima, each child had  a gift - one could see, one could hear and Lucia de Jesus could see, hear and know.  Mother Mary explained that they  each represented a "third of humanity" - some can only hear on inner levels, some can only see on inner levels but it's very rare to find one that can understand what is heard and see who's addressing them from the other side - mf
Okay, so first of all, we are informed that there are three ways of receiving mental communication - through  
In these two latter cases, the true man is making use of his latent powers, raising them to as high a level as possible and subordinating them to mental or soul uses.
(2) The Master here points out that successful telepathic work is dependent upon the following factors:
First:  that there are no barriers existing between the receiver and the broadcaster.  Such barriers would be lack of love or of sympathy, criticism and suspicion.
Secondly:  that the broadcaster is mainly occupied with the clarity of his symbol, with the word or thought, and not with the receiver.  A quick glance towards the receiver, a momentary sending forth of love and understanding, is sufficient to set up the rapport, and then attention must be paid to the clarity of the symbol.
So, it's quite clear that there's a loving rapport between the broadcaster and the receiver; and that a specific time must be set aside in order to have clarity both in sending and receiving the symbol followed by the message. -mf
Thirdly: Let the receivers think with love and affectioin of the broadcaster for a minute or two.  Then let them forget the personality.
Fourthly:  Let the receivers work with detachment.  Most receivers are so anxious to receive correctly that though their very intensity they counteract their own efforts.  A casual and "don't care" spirit, and a close attentiveness to the inner "picturing faculty" will net better results than any violent and strong desire and effort to see the symbol and to contact the mind of the sender.
The brain should register a reflection of the mind content. If a ray of light is met by an outgoing force from the receivers mind, or a powerfully emitted thought-form, it can be prevented from reaching the mind.  However, a transmitter with more expert training can overcome this barrier.  Much of the trouble will be found to be based on the emitted thought-forms, or in the rush of ill regulated mental energy or brain radiation which negates efforts. Therefore, a quiet spirit and well regulated thoughts will aid much and the cultivation of that dispassion which desires nothing for the separated self, and nothing violently.
  The need for telepathic sensitiity in every group, composed of disciples, is based upon three necessities: I would like you to understand this more clearly.
1.  The cultivation of an interrelation of a telepathic nature upon the mental plane is essential.  This has always been an established fact or condition in the case of a Master and His disciple, and between the senior disciples in any group of accepted disciples.  The time has now come when this group quality must - for the sake of a needy world - be developed by disciples of lesser attainment in the group.

2.  This telepathic unfoldment will lead to a greater sensitivity to others.  This is the secret of a Master's work, and the factor which enables him to work through his disciples, using them as outposts of his consciousness.  To do this with exactitude, he must be able to know their condition - mental, psychical and physical - when he chooses so to specific service, whether they can be safely used or not, and whether their sensitivity is such, and their interpretation of what they sense is of sufficient accuracy, so that they will respond intelligently to the need . . .

3.  This telepathic sensitivity will also lead to  the new science of intercommunication, which in the New Age, will reach general use and comprehension. Of this condition the radio is the outer physical symbol.

. . .It is through telepathy that ideas have been disseminated in the world by the process of mentally impressing the mind of some disciple or sensitive person.  It is then their task to find and direct the mind and activities of those individuals whose task is not only to be responsive to this impression, but to bring it out into the consciousness of the world thinkers . . .

4.  The growth of telepathic rapport will bring in an era of universality and synthesis, with its qualities of recognized relationships and responsiveness.  This will be outstandingly, the glory of the Aquarian Age.

  As the race achieves increasingly a mental polarization through the developing attractive power of the mental principle, the use of language for the conveying of thoughts between equals, or of comunicating with superiors, will fall into disuse.  It will continue to be used in reaching the masses and those not functioning upon the mental plane.  Already, voiceless prayer and aspiration and worship are deemed of higher value than the pleadings and proclamations of voiced expression.  It is for this stage in the unfoldment of the race for which preparation must be made and the laws, techniques and process of telepathic communication must be made plain, so that they can be intelligently and theoretically understood. 
Disciples must occupy themselvs increasingly with right understanding, right designation, and right definition of the new science of telepathy.  Mental comprehension and mental sympathy will make true interplay possible, and this will bridge between the old way of understanding thought through the medium of the spoken or written word - embodying the thought as the individual thinker seeks to convey it - and the future stage of immediate response to thought, unlimited by speech or other medium of expression.  Disciples will endeavor to work in both ways and the medium of normal human relations, and that of supernormal subjective relations, must be studied by them and expressed by them.  In this way the time of bridging and the period of transition can be spanned.  It will take about five huundred years for the race to become normally telepathic, and when I say normally, I mean consciously.

4.   The (telepathic) relationship is slowly and normally developed, and requires no hastening.  It is developing as the other senses of man, and his apparatus of perception, have developed. Humanity is however, outstripping, telepathic development in the rapid responsiveness of entire groups, and of human beings en masse, to group impression and to group impartation of ideas.  The sudden respone of groups and nations to mass ideologies, has been unexpected and difficult to handle wisely and contructively.  It was not anticipated by either the Shamballa or the Hierarchy that mass impression would develop more quickly than that of individual sensitivity, but it has happened that way.  The individual within a group, and working within a group, is far more correctly sensitive than is the man struggling alone to render himself sensitive to impression.
Even those who are our caretakers on the First Ray, the Masters of Shamballa, where Lord Guatama resides, and those Masters working with humanity under the Dajeeling Counil and other Retreats were not anticipating how quickly disciples assimilated rapid responsiveness as well as  instruction while participating within a group.  So it was that the Masters no longer worked with individuals; but found that groups seemed to stimulate and quicken, as well as understanding at a much higher rate than working with individuals.  - mf

6.  The truly telepathic man is the man who is responsive to impressions coming to him from all forms of life in the three worlds; but he is also equally responsive to impressions coming to him form the world of souls and the world of the intuition.  It is the development of the telepathic instinct which will eventually make a man a master in the three worlds, and also in the five worlds of  human and superhuman development.  By a process of withdrawal (of occult abstraction) and of concentration upon the telepathic cult, the whole science of telepathy - as a seed of future racial potency - can be developed and understood.  This is a process now going forward, and it is going on in two ways, through the medium of telepathic groups and of telepathic people, and through thought form which will accustom the race to the idea of telepathic work is proceeding apace, and the seed of the development is becoming very vital and powerful, and is germinating with real rapidity.  It is, in the last analysis, the seed of MASTERHOOD. 
NOTICE, that the Master gives us several clues to help initiate us into using our minds and hearts but also through concentration and to pay close attention to any impressions coming intuitively to us either from the world of all forms of life in the three worlds. What does he mean by the three worlds? He is explaining that these impressions can come from our own world - the physical; the etheric world through the angel devas and from the spiritual world - from Hierarchy or the Higher Souls!
He also mentions the word Abstraction - in order to create a safe open channel to receive impressions, one has to remove themselves from the material world at a set time each day and enter the "silence".  There, one gives over their lower mind and thoughts to the higher, deeper void known as the silence.  Once, one has entered the silence he or she will begin to hear the "still small voice" known  also as "the voice of the silence".  When in deep contemplation and concentration upon listening, upon seeing the inner light, focusing upon the third eye chakra, then over a period of time, he/she will begin to receive impressions, see symbols, and begin to discern and understand what is being impressed upon the mental plane. - mf
Master D. K. also mentioned that when they placed  the students in groups they seemed to discern, understand and transcend into receivership very quickly.  This might be something that you all might consider doing as a group.  I would suggest that you set aside a room or space where you can all come together as a group and learn to spend time meditating within the mental plane. This space should be clean and you can burn a white candle and also have some frankincense or myrrh also cedar incense to clear the space.  Make sure that no one uses this space except those of your group who are participating.  - mf
End of Lesson Eleven - 10/31/17

Monday, October 9, 2017

86-2017-LESSON TEN- THE ASTRAL PLANE - 10 9 17

There are three World Teachers
Jesus the Christ; Djwal Khwal, and Master Kutumi 
Djwal Khwal speaks to us concerning the Astral Plane:

(1)One of the hardest Planes to understand is the Astral Plane; because of its nearness to the Physical Plane, we should all have to learn an understand and to comprehend its nature; and to learn to stand free from it and then work on it . . . 

The appearance of the Astral Plane when first definitely seen by the "opened eye" of the aspirant, is one of dense fog, confusion, changing forms, interpenetrating and intermingling colors, and is of such a kaleidoscopic appearance, that the hopelessness of the enterprise seems overwhelming.  It is not light, but starry, or clear.  It is apparently impenetrable disorder, for it is the meeting ground of forces.  Because the forces in the aspirant's own body are equaly in disorder, he blends in with the surrounding chaos to such an extent, that it is at first almost impossible for the onlooking soul to dissociate its own astral mechanism from the astral mechanism of humanity as a whole and from the astral mechanism of the world.

One of the first things then that the aspirant has to learn, is to dissociate his own aura in the emotional sense from that of his surroundings, and much time is expended in learning to do this.  It is for this reason that one of the first qualifications of discipleship is discrimination, for it is through the use of the mind, as analyzer and separator, that the astral body is brought under control.

Secondly, the astral plane is the plane of illusion, of glamor, and of a distorted presentation of reality.  The reason for this is that every individual in the world is busy working in astral matter, and the potency of human desire and of world desire produces that constant "out picturing" and form building which leads to the most concrete effects of astral matter.  Individual desire, national desire, racial desire, the desire of humanity, as a whole, plus the instinctual desire of all subhuman lives causes a constant changing and shifting of the substance of the plane; there is a building of the temporary forms, some of rare beauty, and a vitalizing by the astral energy of the creator.  Add to these forms  that persistent and steadily growing scenario we call the "akashic records" which concern the emotional history of the past; add the activities of the discarnate lives which are passing through the astral plane, either out of or towards incarnation; add the potent desire purified and intelligent, of all superhuman Lives, including those of the occult planetary Hierarchy, and the sum total of forces present is stupendous.  All play upon, around and through every human being, and according to the caliber of his physical body, and the condition of his centers, will be his response.  Through this illusory panorama, the real aspirant has to make his way, finding the clue or thread which will lead him out of the maze, and holding fast to each tiny fragment of reality as it presents itself to him, learning to distinguish truth from glamor, the permanent from the impermanent and the certainty from the unreal . . .

In the past, the disciple was either chosen or chose to isolate himself or herself in a monastery or convent, away from the material world.  There, they could contemplate, meditate, pray and fast, without interference from worldly materialism or the stress of working in large cities, with all the stress of coping, commuting and interacting with others who are not spiritually inclined or raising a family, working in the rural communities and keeping all the balls in the air while trying to survive in a stressful world.

Today, the Hierarchy has reached out to those within society who want to do service, make a difference while finding answers to their questions.  It was decided around the turn of the Century that an individual, male or female, who had passed certain initiations in their lives, could enter upon the path of initiation without having to go into a monastery or convent, they could carry on with their lives - work, marry, have a family, but give a certain amount of time to the development and expansion of their consciousness.  The Master El Morya, who is head of the Darjeeling Council; and the Master Kuthumi, along with the Master Djwal Khwal were assigned  the stupendous initiation of opening the ancient texts and translating them into many languages through their disciple,  Madame Blatvatsky and her lifelong devotion to these Mahatmas, while receiving their dictations of the arcane knowledge from the Himalayas to her suite of rooms in New  York City.  She was the most devoted of students, and gave her life to the "great work" that she produced through her pen. If anyone is interested, they should read her life story and they'll find that the word "devotee" would definitely fit her to a tee.  We understand that she was extremely bright and she had reached a point in her "journey of the soul" where she was the brightest star the Masters could find, who could not only understand the ancient teachings but could expound and deliver to heads of state, as well as heads of churches on the Arcane knowledge, quoting from the sancrit, the Book of Dyzan, the Upanishads, the Vedas; the Bible;  and the Root Races to name a few. I would love to have been part of her student body for I found her to be as fascinating and brilliant and that her knowledge on just about any subject to be more advanced than any of her contemporaries at that time.  This is because she had all of her centers opened and balanced as well as her Third Eye.  She had been in training in the Himalayas when she was quite young, and was under the tutorledge of  both Master El Morya and Master Kuthumi, so that when she began to write the four great Books, she spent the rest of her life writing from dawn to dusk, while moving from one area to another around the globe, finally settling in India where she and Colonel Olcott set up the foundation and teaching center for Theosophy - mf

No glamor, no illusion can long hold the man who has set himself the task of treading the razor-edged Path which leads through the wilderness, through the thick-set forest, through the deep waters of sorrow and distress, through the alley of sacrifice, and over the mountains of vision to the gate of Deliverance.  He may travel sometimes in the dark - and the illusion of darkness is very  real; he may  travel sometimes in a light so dazzling and bewildering the he can scarcely see the way ahead; he may know what it is to falter on the Path, and to drop under the fatique of service and of strife; he may be  temporarily sidetracked and wander down the by-paths of ambition, of self-interest and of material enchantment, but the lapse will be but brief.  Nothing in heaven or hell, on earth or elsewhere, can prevent the progress of the man who has awakened to the illusion, who has glimpsed the reality beyond the glamor of the astral plane, and who has heard, even if only once, the clarion call of his own soul.

How many of us have had the same experiences as described above; and have wandered far afield only to turn once again and with great humility began to enter upon the steep, rocky and treacheous path once more - "the Path of Attainment", because the only way that we know for sure that our Soul is leading us is when, we do head down the wide avenues and by-paths only to realize what a waste of time and energy we've expended on "the material world" when we could be far advanced along the Path. BUT, all is not lost, because it is by these very experiences that we also begin to grow and to know the REAL from the UNREAL,  clear thinking from illusion and truth from falsehood - how else can we learn if we do not question, challenge and finally recognize the truth behind the veil. - mf

(2) The secret of the Master is the discovery that there is no astral plane, he finds that the astral plane is a figment of the imagination, and has been created through the uncontrolled use of the creative imagination and the misuse of the magical powers.  The work of the Hierarchy is primarily to bring to an end the shadows and to dispel the moisture:  spirit and matter are the two realities which constitute the unity, and that it is only in time and in space, and through the cyclic misuse of the magical and psychic powers, that the astral plane of the great illusion has come into being, and is now so real a thing that it is - in a certain sense - more real, to man, than the kingdom of light and the kingdom of form.

One of the lessons that was given to us in the 1950's through the later teachings is to "By-Pass" the Astral Plane through the mediation of Archangel Michael.  God bless this wonderful friend and brother, this Blue Ray Powerful Prince of Archangels for all the work He does for humanity, hierarchy and for Our Father/Mother God.  He gives twenty two out of twenty-four hours a day to protecting, directing and defending mankind.  He's been my friend since I was a child.  I went to St. Michael's Elementary School, St. Michael's Church, married a Michael and tried to name each of my children Michael; but it was only later that I really became acquainted with this most loving and powerful Archangel.  He has saved my life twice that I'm aware of and I don't know how many times before that He was instrumental in protecting me.  But the reason I'm speaking about Him at this point in time is to explain how He has made a promise both to Jesus as well as other members of Hierarchy that he would deliver us through the Astral Plane every night in order to meet Hierarchy 


(1) Negative, unintelligent mediumship and psychism reduces its exponent to the level of an automaton; it is dangerous and inadvisable, because it deprives man of his free will and his positivity, and militates against his acting as a free, intelligent human being.  The man is not acting in these cases as a channel for his own soul; but is little better than an instinctual animal, if he is not literallly an empty shell, which an obsessing entity can occupy and use . . .
Here, the Master warns us of using psychic channeling; as many are doing at the present time.  Unless one is trained to channel from the Soul, passing through the Astral Plane, the person can endanger himself by leaving himself open for Astral Entities to enter and take over the channeling.  These entities do not leave once they attach to a person and would have to be cut loose and set free by a powerful high disciple who can actually see the entity or entities surrounding the person.  Again, He gives specific lessons on how to contact the Soul and in Lesson Six He actually gave us the path to contact the soul on a daily basis through the Meditation He gave to us - it not only contacts the Soul; but connects the Soul to the Inner Christ Flame located within the physical heart,  so that one is completely connected at all levels by the Light of the Soul. -mf

At the same time there are mediums of a very much higher order, whose lives are offered in service to advanced souls on the other side of the veil, and who give themselves so that their fellowmen may learn of them; thus, on both sides of the veil of separation, are souls aided and given opportunity to hear or serve.  But these too would profit by a more intelligent training, and by a more accurate understanding of the technique of their work and the organization of their bodies.  They would then be better channels and more dependable intermediaries . . .
There are mediums today like Tyler who visits the rich and the famous of Hollywood; but is able to act as mediator between those on the other side of the veil and their relatives who are here on Earth.  There are several like Tyler who dedicate their live to helping those on both sides of the veil to communicate - this also makes most unbelievers realize that there is life beyond the physical plane, and that their dear ones are constantly in tune with them just in a different plane.  What the Master is concerned mostly about here is that they are allowing their Solor Plexus Chakra, which is also a doorway  to be open, leaving them unprotected and a magnet for those Astral Entities who are always looking for a subject to attach like vampires they can drain the light out of the unprotected medium. - mf

The goal for the low-grade negative psychic should be the training of the mind, and the closing of the solar plexus until such time as he can function as a true mediator . . .His clairvoyant and clairaudient powers should gradually be perfected, and the right interpretation of what he sees and contacts on the plane of illusion, the astral plane, should be cultivated.
Again, there's a whole ritual that students go through especially if they are working through the Astral Plane in order to reach the Etheric Plane, and that is of course, surrounding oneself with the "white light" and asking Archangel Michael to place His Electronic Presence over the entire Four Lower Bodies while working in World Service, Deep Meditation, and especially when preparing to heal another person. Before going to sleep at night one should ask Archangel Michael to place His Electronic Presence over themselves and  their four lower bodies, so that they pass through the Astral Plane on their way to the temples and retreats they are going to while their physical body sleeps. And they should ask Michael to bring them back safely into their physical bodies in the morning. 

The Crossing of the Arms across the Solar Plexus is one way of closing the Chakra and of course asking your Higher Self to Seal the Solar Plexus while you are meditating, healing and doing World Service. Whenever, one is working on  the World and channeling the light into those areas that are in darkness, the Tube of Light must be placed around yourself as well as the Ovoid Radiant Blue Protective Light of Archangel Michael; because when you are standing in the Light and sending that light out into the world to erase all errors and break down all barriers; there is always an immediate attack from the Forces of Evil, who do not want us to disturb the Status Quo; but their day is done, there time is running out like the sand in the hour glass and they want to take as many souls with them as possible, therefore, be diligent in protecting your Four Lower Bodies whenever you are giving service. - mf

Thus, we shall gradually find emerging in the world a large body of trained psychics, whose powers are understood, and who function on the astral plane with as much intelligence as they function on the physical plane, and who are preparing themselves for the expression of the higher psychic powers - spiritual perception and telepathy.  These people will constitute eventually a body of linking souls, mediating between those who cannot see and hear on the astral plane because they are the prisoners of the physical body, and those who are equally the prisoners of the astral plane, lacking the physical response apparatus.

The great need, therefore, is not that we should cease to consult and train our psychic mediums, but that we should train them rightly, and guard them intelligently and so link, through their means, the two worlds of the physical and astral.
(2) The world today is entering a phase of extreme sensitivity.  Disciples must train themselves to help.  The shift of the consciousness of ordinary and mediocre individuals will be on the levels of conscious astralism and the veil between the seen and the unseen will rapidly disappear . . . I am not asking you to cultivate psychic powers, but I do ask you to hold yourselves in guarded readiness to see and hear on all levels of service, and to know what you see and hear, interpreting it correctly, unblinded by prejudice and fear.  The Path of Discipleship is not an easy one, but its compensations are adequate. Psychic sensitivity is involved in the understanding of this phase of discipleship.

As the race becomes clairvoyant, as it surely will in a great degree before the close of this rootrace, these gaseous devas will stand revealed, and men will realize that they are working with fiery lives, and that  they are themselves closely allied to these lives through the fires of their own bodies.  The clairvoyance which is in processs of developing in the rootrace, is entirely physical, and, under the law, its development is to be anticipated, for the Aryan  rootrace is that one wherein man - in this fourth round - comes to full self-consciousness.  This involves complete physical vision, and the use in prefection of the three physical plane senses of hearing, touch, and sight.  In the next root race astral clairvoyance will be prevalent, though not universal, and thus contact with the buddhic plane will be more easily achieved.


Higher clairaudience speaks directly from mind to mind. This is not exactly telepathy, but a form of direct hearing.  The teacher will speak to the disciple as person to person.  A conversation is therefore carried on entirely on mental levels, with the higher faculties as the focussing point.


(1) Spiritualism was the religion of old Atlantis, and the Seventh Ray dominated that ancient civilization for a very long period of time . . .
During the time of Atlantis, civilization had reached a very high level of Spirituality, citizens were able to produce objects, food and etc. from fohot, or from the "field" in Physics.  The only person I know of who has recently passed from this Earth is Sai Baba of India who could produce jewels, gold and a vibrant dust that could heal.  When the Master speaks of the Seventh Ray, He refers  to the White Magician, like Master St. Germain, the Seventh Angel, who could be in several places at once could write and create music with both hands, could remove flaws from jewels and was know as the "Wonderman of Europe".  He was in His ascended state while using a physical body at that time, while at the same time trying  to unite Europe to a United States.  He was seen in Europe from the 17th to the 19th Century, appearing especially at Rosicrucian Conclaves

ST. Germain as Wonderman
Of           End of 18th & 19th C
              St. Germain Appearing
                                                at Rosicrucian Conclaves 

In Ascended State
Master St. Germain - 7th Ray
Introduced the I AM Group in 1926

St. Germain as
Christen Rosenkreuz 13th Century

Rosicrucians - Crystalinks


Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society, said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology ...
St. Germain was Christian Rosenkeuz, and was reported being seen at the appointment of 
Jackie Kennedy's sister when she entered the Rosicrucian society.
The Aquarian Age signals that we are now once again riding into  the Seventh Ray - as Brotherhood and Global Unity will be dawning while the old Piscean Dictatorships and the Nationalistic form of separateness not only Globally but Nationally and 

within each country - this is the serpent raising its 

head for the last time before being swept  out by the 

incoming light, frequency, radiation and vibrations of 

the Aquarian Age -mf

It is thought that the correct development of spiritualism along psychological lines and the withdrawal of its emphasis upon, phenomena - which is its outstanding characteristic and emphasis today - that the true nature of death and of the hereafter will be revealed . . .
At the end of the Eighteenth Century and for several years at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, Spiritualism was the "new religion"  Theosophy and Psychical Research were on everyone's agenda.  Most people were more interested in the phenomena presented rather than the deeper studies involved.   As I am a Theosophist and have studied for over 40 years, all of these Philosophic Societies came about as we entered the Aquarian Age and many like myself were on a quest to find answers that were not happening in our religions. The Two Mahatmas who started Theosophy through Telepathic Communication with Madame Helena Blatvasky were Master El Morya, her Teacher and Master Kuthumi.

Mahatma Kuthumi and El Morya
These Two Mahatmas were Djwal's Teachers in Tibet

Madame H. P. Blatvasky
A Princess of Georgia, Today's Ukraine
Born in  1830

Spiritualism in its lowest and material aspect, is a low grade expression of the Seventh Ray, and is - for the masses - definitely a line of least resistance, and, therefore, of no great spiritual importance to their evolutionary development.  The masses of the people are today Atlantean in their consciousness, and are only slowly emerging into the Aryan point of view.  This must change, and the mind activity be rapidly enhanced, or else true spiritualism will be unable to express itself and - through the present spiritualistic movement - there can be let loose upon the world, forces and entities of a most undesirable character.  The negativity of the bulk of the mediums, throws the door wide open to very definite dangers.  Fortunately, there is a movement within spiritualistic circles to right  this obvious danger and to shift the present emphasis upon phenomena, into the world of true values and right understanding . . .  
The Isis Unveiled Vols I & II as well as The Secret Doctrine,
Vols. I & II, were also part of Djwal Khwal's Initiation as He dictated much of these Tomes for His Teacher the Mahatma Kuthumi.  The next lessons I will be teaching is the  Occult Meditations by Master D. K. wherein we can expand the mind and the consciousness to the higher mental planes by concentration and consecration of our time in an effort to catch up with the Aryan minds that are so far advanced in consciousness. - mf
If the societies and organizations, connected with the spiritualisstic movement and the psychical research groups, would seek for and find the natural sensitives -  and not the trance mediums - and those who are naturally clariaudient and clairvoyant, and would study their disclosures, their words, their reactions, and their modes of working, they would discover much about some of the natural and normal powers of man - powers which have been in abeyance during the period wherein mind development has been the objective, and which humanity shares with two great groups of lives - the member of the Hierarchy, and the animal kingdom. PONDER ON THIS.  If, therefore, these societies would concentrate on the intelligent and mental psychics, and rule out all trance conditions, it would not be long before revelation would come.  The trance condition is undesireable, separates the medium from his soul and definitely relegates him to the realm of the negative, of the uncontrolled and of material forces. 
Both  the Russians and the United States along with the United Kingdom have been working along these lines for the past fifty years. Psychical Research started in England much earlier; and has been studying with natural clairvoyants and clairaudients for a much longer period of time - this grew out of the Theosophical Society around the turn of the century and has continued with its research ever since.
The Russians are very covert in their research but made giant steps in mind reading, mind control especially as part of their espionage research.  Here in Menlo Park, SRI is our research center and has been working along the same lines as the English and Russian counterparts.  At least, one of the researchers that I met back in the eighties and nineties was a Buddhist, and approached the research along the lines of the Theosophical Society.  In fact, when I visited him, he threw down my Teacher's picture and said:  "This being is not the only one working with mankind - in fact, there are several schools  throughout the world all backed by Hierarchy.  Of course, I was relieved to know that this organization was backed by Hierarchy because, of course, they will proceed along the lines that Djwal Khwal had set as the correct course of study. (of course that was the nineties, and I have no idea what's happening as far as the research is concerned today). - mf

(2) The spiritualists will make a discovery whereby the means of contact with those who function out of the physical body will be greatly facilitated, and a group of mediums will begin to act as intermediaries for a number of scientists on the inner side of life and those who are still in physical bodies.  Through the activity of the real esoteric schools, a technique of training will be instituted which will develop the new powers that will substantiate the old truth, and turn men's beliefs into certainties.  Through the stimulating and occultly scientific work of the department of religions, men will come to new knowledge and awareness, and will arrive at an uplift that will bring mankind to the Mount or Transfiguration.  Through the work of the department of government, men will come to an understanding of those ideas which are needed to carry the nations the next step forward to mutual help.
By God's grace, we can certainly hope that all of the above discoveries and activities are already in the works and that both the field of science and government as well as religion all the above will be a reality and we can possibly see our way towards Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all mankind.  mf