Thursday, February 22, 2018


We now understand that "Karma and Dhama" are actually part of the evolutionary force and energy initiated by the great beings who are and always have been,  forcing us to become uncomfortable, making sure that we are always moving forward and upward towards freedom.
The Master mentions the Three Worlds and we, as humans tend to compartmentalize - tucking anything that isn't formulated in the material world into these boxes in the mind.  But, remember that there's a rhythm of energy continually circulating around and through us that pulls us towards the realization that we're a many dimensional being - therefore, at some point, we must acknowledge the fact that the greater part of what makes us a living being, is the fact that we are living simultaneously in all Three Worlds - all the time, every minute of every day, we are participating in  the grand scheme, the Great Plan of our Father/Mother God. 

We can easily forget why we're here when caught up in our daily routine; but the Watchers and those in Hierarchy who are working behind the scenes are ever cognizant of our every thought, word and deed.  And at some point in our evolutionary path, we become aware of these powerful forces at work, not only for our planet but mainly for the raising of the consciousnes of mankind. mf

Therefore, we need to learn as much as we can from the Master of Wisdom, so that we're more aware of all that is circulating and surrounding us in a continual field of energy.  So let's see what further "pearls of wisdom" we can acquire from our World Teacher.

The World Teacher - Master Djwal Khul
One of the Three World Teachers
Master Kuthumi, Master Jesus the Christ
and Master Djwal Khu

(3) Where lives are predominantly emotional and are physically oriented,  it is not a particular life that sets the pace, that the group of lives, simultaneously interacting with each other, which predisposes the future along certain lines.  This is eternally true of all human beings at a certain level of conscious development where they are swayed by mass ideas, moulded unthinkingly by tradition and public opinion, are frankly immersed in selfish interests, and are not 'taking hold" of conditions themselves, but are being carried forward on the tide of evolution.  It is a form of group activity - groups governed by the vibration of physical and astral forms - which produces the characteristics and tendencies which cause the situation and environing circumstances.

Groups Drawn Together Swayed By 
Mass Ideas, Moulded Unthinkingly by Tradition
and Public Opinion Carried Forward on the 
Tide of Evolution......

In this realization lies hid the secret of racial and national karma and conditions.  In these groups, the ordinary feeling, active man is immersed, and out of this immersion he must find his way by discovering and using his mind.  Instinct must give place to intellect.
Humanity Enmeshed in a Material World
and Tend to be Drawn to Groups Who Are Like-Minded

When the Master explains how most of humanity are stuck in their emotional body, allowing others' opinions to navigate us, then we realize that we are so enmeshed within the material world and tend to be drawn to groups who are like-minded.  We're like a ship without a rudder, and we are swept along willy-nilly on  the tide of evolution.  
...Groups that we attach ourselves to are
Like the Ancient Clans, where racially we stick together...

These groups that we attach ourselves to are like the ancient clans, where racially we tend to stick together - the same is true concerning our country, we tend to think that we are as a nation, the best, and brag about out ability to be the most powerful nation in the world. In truth, we're not so nice,  we have misused our power in many countries, and have built up karma nationally and globally

It's Only When We Come Apart to Seek a "More Perfect
Union" for Ourselves . . . .
It is only when we begin to seek a "more perfect union" for ourselves and for our country that we begin to separate ourselves from the crowd and it is at that point that we begin to think intelligently - and it is at this point that we begin to make wise choices both within our own consciousness as well as with those we would associate with - thus we're taking the first steps in the expansion of consciousness. - mf

The Initiate - Disciple On The Path

(4) For the initiate karma ends.  By this I mean that karma - as the ordinary student understands it - is no longer effective.  Neither good karma, resulting in a sense of bliss nor bad karma, resulting in a sense of penalty and related to a conviction of sin - as the Christian theology so dreadfully miscalls it - has any longer the slightest hold upon him.  manifestation and the Law of Cause and Effect are related; where manifestation exists, there this great  Law - governing substance and inate in matter - must control and must condition form.  The Master, however stands free, endowed with the Christ-consciousnes. He then wields this Law, but is not wielded by it.  Such is the reward of following the vision; first of all, the mystical vision; then later the vision of predetermined choice, of
 Plan and of cosmic opportunity.

The High Initiate In Meditation

Remember, D. K. is talking about the initiate in the above paragraph.  He's describing a highly evolved individual who has passed several major initiations, and is now able to control his emotional and lower mental bodies to the point that karma has no effect on him.  He moves in a field above the material world and karma, whether good or bad no longer has a hold upon him.  At this point of attaining Masterhood, he stands free - he can wield this Law (Cause and Effect) but is not wielded by it.  In other words, he can wield Karma to his students under the great Law; but He, himself, is no longer effected by it. mf

These Pictures Give An Illustraion of Solar Energy
It is Through the Solar Energy That We are Bombarded
With the Waves of Karmic Energy

This Represents Directed Karmic Energy
Bombarding the Earth In Cyclic Waves

(5) Great waves of karmic impact have beaten upon our Earth - that little ship adrift in time and space, and sailing the great ocean of cosmos.  The Lords of Karma have looked towards our planet.  Energy follows thought and that, my brother, is all  that karma is - the impact of directed energy upon the Earth, upon the kingdom in nature, upon man, and upon the individual disciple.  Much of the karma, especially now is NOT indiidual in purpose, nor is it generated in any way by the individiuals affected by it, be  or an individual disciple, or an ordinary human being.  It is largely incident at this time to the karma of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.  It is primarily also in the sphere of Shamballa, and has small relation in the first instance to humanity at all.  This means but little to you, I realize.  This karma working out in Shamballa has, however, led to the vitalizing of the activities of certain "willful men; they have loosed great evil upon the Earth.  But this karma will also produce the stimulation of goodwill and thus lasting good will offset temporary evil.  This must not be forgotten.

If we look back upon our history and the history of the World, we can see the cyclic wave flowing and ebbing in rhythmic tides during certain periods of time.  Great wars have been continually fought that changed the geography of many countries, while great plagues have destroyed whole generations.  Great explorations have resulted in new territories, even exploring the moon and space all of the above are great karmic waves - and there are lesser waves that effect certain nations and individuals.  But, we now realize that Hierarchy is concentrating specifically on those who are evil and who have cropped up in certain countries, taking over the country, becoming their leaders, while causing death and destruction to the freedoms of every individual living under their rules.

Shamballa, The Etheric Retreat of
the Ancient of Days
And the Hierarchy Representing the Will of God

Shamballa is where the Ancient of Days has his abode in the Etheric above the Gobi Desert.  Shamballa  is under the First Ray, the Will to Good (the Will of God), and the Avatar of Synthesis, who has recently volunteered to accompany the Christ when He reappears upon the Earth, is also residing there awaiting the day and the hour of the Reappearance of the Christ here on Earth.
Those great First Ray beings who are from Shamballa, are very powerful.  The last time they extended their Will was to end the Second World War - while our men and women were in battle, they were gathering the Black 

The Black Magicians Who Were Occupying 
The Astral Plane Over the Black Forrest in WWII
Adollf Hitler and His Cohorts Were Working
Directly Under These Evil Entities Who Were
Destroyed  by the First Ray Brotherhood From Shamballa
Which Ended the Second World War in Nazi Germany

Magicians, residing in the astral plane, above the Black Forrest, who were manipulating the Germans under their evil Leader, Adolf Hitler.  There was truly a battle between the forces of Light and the Forces of Evil being fought simultaneously along with our allies.  If they hadn't intervened, who knows if our futures would be entirely different - would we all be under the rule of Facisism? So when D. K. speaks about us all being now subject to the One in Whom we live and move and have our being, He is speaking of God the Father, the Active Principle, who directs  those in Shamballs to do His Holy Will. mf

(6)Everything that is happening in the world today and which is so potently affecting humanity - things of beauty and of horror, modes of living, and civilization and culture, prejudices and likings, scientific attainment and artistic expression, and the many ways in which humanity throughout the planet colors existence - are aspects of affects, initiated somewhere, on some level, at some time, by human beings, both individually and en masse.

Karma is therefore that which Man -- the Heavenly Man in whom we live, humanity as a whole, mankind in  groups as nations, and individual man - has instituted , carried forward, endorsed, omitted to do, or has done right through the ages until the present moment.  Today, the harvest is ripe and mankind is reaping what it has sown, preparatory to a fresh ploughing in the springtime of the New Age, with a fresh sowing of the seed which will - let us pray and hope - produce a better harvest.

All that we do, whether great good or evil, our thoughts, words and deeds have powerful affects upon our environment as well as mankind; and when we multiply that with the power of groups gathered to either make  things better and/or make things worse - it all plays out in formulating the world we all live in today. And as the World Teacher states - we are now gathering the harvest of our own Karma, whether good or bad, it has already been sown, and the fruits of our labor will seed the New Age - 
with a fresh sowing of the seed which  will - we all pray and hope  - produce a better harvest. mf

(7)  There is also the Karma of Reward in contradistinction to that of Retribution; this is a type of karma oft forgotten, but one which will become better known in the coming world cycle.  Humanity has worked off much evil karma, and the karma based on causes later to be initiated, will not generate such dire effects as that of the past.  Not all karma is bad, in spite of what man thinks.  Much of it is necessariliy punitive and distressing, owing to humanity's ignorance and low stage of development.  When karmic retribution becomes acute and terrible, as it is in today's appalling world experience, it indicates that humanity has reached a point where consequences can be meted out on a large scale and with justice.
Archangel Michael With Scales of Justice

Portia, Goddess of Justice With Scales
Notice That Both Archangel Michael and Justice Carry Swords 

Very little suffering is attached to karma where there is ignorance, leading to irresponsibility, and complete lack of thought, and there is attached to affairs but little true sense of guilt.  There may be unhappy conditions with comensurate pain is lacking; there is little mental reaction to the processses of karmic retribution.  This should be borne in mind. The Aryan race is now, however, so developed mentally and on a large scale, that karma is truly horrible and agonizing, and can express itself through world conditions.  At the same time, the present wide-spread distress indicates the extent and success of human unfoldment, and is a most hopeful and promising sign.  In this idea, you have the clue as to why the good, the holy and the saintly servers of the race carry - in this world cycle - such a heavy load of karmic ill. 

What is clearly apparent here is that today's return of karma is not as painful as in the past.  Although I see the great suffering when innocent children are killed in their schoolrooms; and/or innocent men, women and children are killed in warfare or used as fodder for the enemy.  Also, the tremendous storms that have destroyed whole cities with loss of life - the eruption of volcanos and the increase of earthquakes along the Ring of Fire all are part and parcel to our everyday lives.  We have at the present time, leaders in our own country who are systematically removing our laws, one by one, laws that protect our freedoms, while at the same time threatening war and the use of nuclear weapons to other evil leaders.  They project fear into the hearts of people; and fear is how they plan on controlling everyone within the nation.  

When D. K. wrote the above statement, we were either in the midst or at the end of WWII; and He saw how people came together  to protect one another ad how NEVER AGAIN would we go to war.  Well, we've seen  wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, the Phillipines ever since WWII. 
The return of Karma is not as severe when one is ignorant of the Law, yet, we continually experience the same old patterns of behavior - religious wars, racist hatred and wars over territories - and it goes on and on.  You would think that somewhere along the many years that there would be a "wake-up" alarm, with people in every land revolting, marching and proclaiming that they are sick to death of War and expressing the need for peaceful negotiations among nations.  That these leaders need to go, while allowing those who want peace and goodwill to assume the role of leadership for every nation.

Sometimes, when we become too complacent, we end up with a return of karma in the role of leadership, as we are now experiencing in our own country.  Sometimes, we need that "wake-up" call that will force us all into action before its too late, and while there is still time, march en masse for what we believe - remember, the power of force always is centered within the group.  

As a disciple of Hierarchy, I, along with thousands of others, are holding the bridge between Humaniaty and Hierarchy.  Many among my students are also experiencing such a heavy load of karmic ill.  Yet, we continue to do the World Service, to call for the light of the Christ to surround all of our government buildings and those who are our representatives even into the Oval Office - "Let anything that is less than the Christ be released and let go into light, illumination and love forever. mf
End of Lesson - 2/21/18

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