Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Lesson 158 - The Externalization Of The Hierarchy - The Work of the Seed Groups




Alice A. Bailey, March 1934


The Work of the Seed Groups - January 1938
Part I

(NOTE)  All printing in Black are the writings by the Tibetan through Alice Bailey

All printing in Blue are comments by MMF

We have been endeavoring to apprehend a little more intelligently the work of the new age seed groups, their inter-relation and their work as part of the new age "set-up," if I might employ such a term.  We considered with some care the three major groups.  We saw that each of them had three tasks to perform and we attempted a slight analysis of their planned undertakings.  Now we can do the same with the remaining groups, particularly with the fourth and fifth which have education and political work as their projects.  And then we will only briefly indicate the triple intended purpose of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth groups. We will not take time to consider the tenth, which will be composed of the key people in the other groups, beyond stating that when its twenty-seven members (three from each group) are chosen and put in rapport with each other, there should come to all the groups such a quickening of their life that they will become one living vibrant organism. pgs 46-47

These  groups seem to have come in over a certain period of time - each individual in these groups, having an affinity for "teaching"; "politics"; and whatever the rest of the seed groups would be representing to the world. Then there's the (10th) Tenth group which will be represented by (3) three individuals from each of the other groups for a total of twenty seven (27) in their particular group.  This means that not only do these individuals have to represent their own particular group; but they must interact with the other groups; as well as with the Hierarchy; and finally become a part of the Tenth group.  What's absolutely unique about this group of 27 individuals is that once they are in rapport with each other, then all of the other seeds groups seem to undergo such a quickening of their lives that they become one living vibrant organism" - the only thing that comes to mind, is that once they are all in place, doing their assigned responsibilities while interacting with all the other seed groups, there seems to be a quickening (could this quickening be the aligning with the "group soul" as is happening right now within our Triangles and Twelves groups?)  If this is truly happening then can you imagine the power, vibration and energy not to mention the light that will be spreading hither and yon throughout the planet when all of us work directly under the Great Ones and at the same time working together as one heart, one soul and one I AM - this will definitely change and quicken the lives of all those who are still living in the shadows.  

The fourth group has ahead of it a rich and most interesting course of study and an illuminating objective.  Its instructions (See Education in the New Age)  will evoke more interested response from a larger group of readers than perhaps will be the case in the instructions of any of the other groups, except those of the sixth whose subject is religion in the new age, and the third (See Esoteric Healing) .  I give them in the order of their importance. They will be more definitely popular and meet a more general need.  The interest which the teaching on education will evoke will be owing to the fact that education is today widely recognized as the major molding factor, next to economic pressure and circumstance, and there is a widespread interest in progressive education and in the new ideals which should-and will-eventually govern educators. pg. 47

I agree that education especially after WWII, began to accelerate, especially when the government offered special financial aide to veterans returning home after the War.  When my mother went to school, only the upper classes were attending college and university, while the rest of the population went to work - some with only an eighth grade education, while others went a couple of years to high school, very few attended college. I was highly educated and graduated from high school in New England. At that time, there were no government supported grants for college. It wasn't until I returned home- already having three children- that I began college at night under Title V, after working all day.  I would come home from work, make dinner, bathe the children, check their homework, await the babysitters arrival and drive 25 miles to Pease Air Force Base to attend class-thank God, I had taken short-hand and typing, as I took all the night classes down in shorthand and when I arrived home, I would prepare the next evening's meal, wash clothes and transcribe the entire classes into typing from my shorthand notes.  I completed three years of college at that time and then went back to work.  It was years later in the 1980's that my daughter who was completing her college degree with an online college that I completed my classes. This was how many of my friends and co-workers completed their higher education.  So, yes, education became very important to the middle classes and especially those of us who were also interested in moving out of the orthodox religions and into finding the truth to become self-realized.  Most of us who followed this line found it in the teachings of Theosophy, the Arcane School, the I AM Discourses, the Bridge to Freedom and Agni Yogi to mention a few. All of these teachings opened our eyes, expanded our consciousness and finally we are learning to make contact with our souls - this is what I call a well-rounded education. Our Elder Brothers were always one step ahead of us in that they made these seed groups appear just as we were all looking for the Truth; and we thank God every day for finding each and everyone of These Blessed Souls Who work twenty four seven to  make our homeward path easier.

There is a definite stirring among the masses and the life of the mind (note that phrase) is now more active and potent than ever before.  For this there is an occult reason of a most interesting nature.  

Those of you who have studied The Secret Doctrine will remember that in that momentous period wherein animal-man made a great transition into the human family and humanity came into being, developing the germ of individuality, the seed of self-consciousness and embryo intellect, we are told that this event was brought about in three ways:

1.  The seed of mind was implanted in some of the aspiring animal-men by the Hierarchy, and these animal men became human beings, of a very low order to be sure, but still men.  They were "sparked," if I might so express it, and a point of light appeared where before there was none. Before there was only a diffused atomic light but no central point of light within the head, and no indication of the higher centers. These individuals, along with the more advanced humanity which came to the planet in Atlantean times (having individualized elsewhere), constitute the most advanced humanity of our present period.  They represent culture and understanding, no matter where it is found, or in what class or race. pgs. 47-48

This is astounding information, we all know that we are all moving along the evolutionary path towards our higher selves; and yet we have never really understood how certain areas in the planet suddenly become "advanced civilizations."  Take for instance, the Egyptians, these were certainly animal-man, until Thoth and others came and swiftly accelerated their awareness bringing all the Egyptians into far superior beings with a great knowledge of astronomy, the written word, medicine and even surgery. Then we have heard about the superior beings on Atlantis but for many years thought it was just a fairy tale; now as one who has read the Secret Doctrine twice, it blows my mind that mankind made a giant leap on the evolutionary ladder and certain of the animal-men have now received the honor of becoming the "advanced humanity of our present period" in just over one hundred years.  I know that there are cycles, rounds and yugs and I know that we involuted downward from the physical Sun passing through the mineral, animal and finally the human kingdoms; and I understand that now we are on the evolutionary path leading back towards the Sun on our homeward journey; but here we are actually living during a time when certain individuals made the giant leap from the reptilian brain into the lighted awareness, from having a group over-soul as in all of the animal kingdom, to becoming a "lighted individual". 

Remember one last thing, when we look back and see how our grandparents and even our parents struggled for survival, to put a roof over our heads and to put food on the table, to clothe us we realize that many of mankind were in the "survival animal-man mode" in their evolutionary path. This quickening is continual and ongoing and accelerating at a very rapid pace. In fact, not only are we speeding up in our energy fields, our vibration, our intelligence but time itself is moving at a greater speed and each year the "time-keepers" have to push the hand a little further ahead than the last year.  We begin to see the picture more clearly especially concerning these "seed groups" this is another way the Hierarchy has of giving us a gentle push forward on our homeward journey. 

2.  The instinctual nature of animal-man (found active among those who had not reached the stage of any conscious aspiration) was suddenly stimulated or vitalized by the coming into expression of the first group and the directed attention of the Hierarchy, working under the ancient Law that "energy follows thought."  Thus gradually, with a remarkable rapidity, instinct became blended into, or resolved into, a higher expression-the intellect.  Thus in due course of time a large group of animal-men became human beings. They today represent civilization and the masses of ordinary intelligent people, educated under the mass systems of the present time, able occasionally to think and rise to mental emergencies, yet not highly cultured.  They constitute the so-called general public which we designate by the words "upper and lower middle class" people, the professional classes and the bourgeoisie everywhere.  pg. 48

Okay, there you have it!  Most of us can identify with what the Master D.K. is saying, that our grandparents and even some parents, were living on instinct alone; like I said in the above paragraph, their main concern was to provide for their families. Think about it in our grandparents time, many of them fled to America because they were little more than serfs, working the land for some aristocrat, nobleman, with nothing to show for all their manual labor.  Whatever circumstance brought our forefathers to America, within one to two generations, most of these animal-men were transformed (with the stimulation from Hierarchy) into what we call the middle and upper professional classes today and/or the General public.

3.  At the same time there is to be found a vast number of people who are human beings but who are not the result of either of these two processes.  They are the product of the slow moving influences of life itself, of what we are apt to call the evolutionary urge, innate in matter itself.  They have painfully and with infinitely slow processes evolved out of the animal condition into that of human beings, with an awakening conscience, an urge to betterment, and an embryonic mind of such a nature that it can respond to simple educational processes, when available, and is so responding.  They are the illiterate masses, that still savage races, and the low grade human beings who are met with in their millions on our planet. pgs. 48-49

These are the individuals who are living in sub-human conditions throughout our planet.  Many are being misused and abused while even more are being destroyed because of their living conditions and lack of education in the ways of survival.  Thank God we have those "humans of good will" that work everywhere on our planet, aiding these individuals with food, medicine, clothing and associations like Unisef , the Red Cross, the Red Crescent and Care all, working to bring about change. In today's schools, children are learning how difficult the lives of many of these children are in certain countries.  Many schools now contribute computers and many companies are contributing the internet services- while "Doctors Without Borders" and the "Food Banks" throughout our countries are contributing nourishing foods and recipes of food combining that revitalizes the body of these children in order for them to survive. The children of these countries are sold into slavery and forced into the militant armies - this is another area that we need to direct our World Service prayers into aiding and protecting these beautiful children who are struggling to survive under extremely difficult conditions.

The cause for the momentous situation which calls for a re-alignment of our educational systems and processes, and for a readjustment of our present concepts of education, is to be found in the fact that the light of knowledge and the benefits which accrue from it have penetrated to the lowest grades of these slowly evolving people; all three groups are now strictly human and not simply the first two.  The highest of them is therefore nearing the stage of demonstrating that which is superhuman and the lowest is separating itself (by almost imperceptible stages) from the animal condition.  This necessarily causes a cleavage but it is one of which the highest group and the Hierarchy itself is cognizant, and which they "heal by their own inclusiveness."  Forget not, that the greater can always include the lesser and thus bridge all gaps. pg. 49

Not to be redundant here; but I'll explain what has been happening both with Unicef and many of our schools and educators.  There has been an appeal from Unicef, the Red Cross and Care for our help in reaching out to these children in the poorer countries. Girls are not allowed to go beyond a certain class, while the boys can continue on (if their area is supplied with the right equipment in order to keep up with the children in the USA and abroad). I can't speak for the rest of the world although I know they are doing their part, but the USA has stepped up to the challenge. Our young people, in various schools throughout the United States, are raising the awareness of these children's severe poverty and lack of desks, computers and educational material. Many have taken the responsibility of fund-raising for computers, internet, educational materials and especially for the young ladies who want to move ahead as well as the boys.  This has all been happening within the last five to ten years and is accelerating every year. Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC news heard about the lack of desks and has been running an enormous drive for desks each and every year for all these children who have been sitting on the floor. He has raised millions of dollars and each year desks are delivered.  He also found about the young ladies plight and now has another fund-raiser just for them.  Some among the young ladies have come on TV and thanked the American people for their education.  Many of them are now teaching others within their villages and communities. 

It is the education of these three groups which will be considered by the fourth group which has as its project education in the new age. Here again we touch the threefold purpose which each group has to hold before itself and which in the present instance consists of:

1.  The educating of the lowest of these groups into which humanity divides itself, so that they can become strictly and consciously human.  This was the objective of the impulse which inspired the Renaissance and which lay behind the work of Rousseau, that great initiate, and this is the impulse which is today responsible for modern Humanism with its apparent materialism and yet its deeply spiritual subjective program and purpose.  This eventually produces civilizations by the inflow of the light of knowledge. pg. 49

In Education in the New Age there is a call for World Education. In other words, the children of Europe and the USA need to have as part of their curriculum, the understanding and comprehension of the challenges children living in poverty have, who are at the lowest rung of the ladder of evolution.  Like the Mayan Elder said to me when I lived in Colorado "don't give us money" give us sewing machines, so that we can make our own way."  Many countries are now realizing that this is an excellent way for people in these countries to lift themselves out of their present situations and on into a comfortable existence. There are magazines now being produced with products from India, Africa and Sudan, wherein women are producing clothing, jewelry and household products that people can purchase and help give them the same opportunities that we have.  The main education of our children should be to recognize, help and include through Zoom and/or other internet vehicles, the opportunity for all children to have an education, in in the farthest regions, even those countries and villages without electricity.

2.  The education of the second group so that it may be stimulated by the inflow of the light of wisdom and thus constitute a bridging group between the other two, being - as it is - strictly human and self-conscious. This process will make of its members cultural aspirants, with a new sense of values, with a recognition of spiritual objectives and with a developed ability to make them the molders of public opinion. They will then be the most important group, expression the culture of the new age.  They will set the standard of values for the masses. pg. 50

The group that is mentioned in the above paragraph seem to be of a higher consciousness. They will act as mediators between the other two groups - their main purpose seems to be instrumental in bringing more light and wisdom to the other two groups along with giving them a new sense of values while at the same time having them recognize their own spiritual objectives.  As a result these two groups under the influence of this form of education will be well rounded and will eventually be made the molders of public opinion.  This will set the standard of values for the masses, in other words this group will be setting the stage and preparing the masses for the culture of the new age.

3.  The education of the advanced thinkers, of the aspirants and world disciples in applied knowledge, expressed wisdom and occult understanding.  This group synthesizes all that is available in the other two groups and thus forms the nucleus of the Kingdom of God, of the fifth kingdom which is so rapidly coming into being. pg. 50

There seems to be an acceleration of the education of the advanced thinkers, aspirants and world disciples in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  If these individuals become the future teachers of the other two groups, their advanced education would form the nucleus of the Kingdom of God, "of the fifth kingdom." This is the part of Hierarchy's Plan so often talked about - the rapid expansion of consciousness to interact with the Externalization of the Hierarchy in the coming new age.  

I cannot do more than indicate these points, for their proper theme and their elucidation will be dealt with in the group's instructions.  What I have stated, however, will serve to indicate to you the general theme of the new education and point the way to some of the considerations which are prompting my handling of this subject.

The work to be done (political service) by the fifth group of disciples is by far the most difficult of any for it is in many ways far less advanced.  This is due to two facts.

1.  The masses of men are, as yet, relatively so little evolved that the task of this group of workers must therefore necessarily be dependent upon the success of the educational work of the world, as it will eventually be exemplified by the ideals and point of view of the fourth group and similar groups everywhere. pg 50

Although over 80 years have past since the Tibetan's book was published, I can say in all fairness that many people have moved towards the greater light through the teachings; yet, as we look around us, we must admit that much of humanity is still stuck in the old Piscean disciplines - "if it's not in the Bible I don't want to hear it" has been their constant theme of not wanting to move forward towards a greater expansion of consciousness and the opportunity to move rapidly into the "fifth kingdom".

2.  So few truly first ray people are manifesting on the planet at this time and, when they do, their work perforce proves destructive, owing to the un-evolved conditions of the masses of men.  That is why revolutions so seldom, if ever, can be carried out without bloodshed, for the intended ideas have to be imposed upon the masses and are not immediately recognized  and adopted by these masses; they evoke counter responses which arouse those in authority to wrong activity. The above ideas should arouse you to careful thought. pgs. 50-51

Again, it's 84 years later and we're still seeing these unevolved conditions mainly due to our own educational system that has not evolved in its thinking in many areas of the world.  This, in itself, has caused much of the blocking of the advancement of those living in third-world countries.  Thus, we're still seeing revolutions, rebels not only in third-world countries but also right here in our United States. Such groups as the "proud boys" and white supremacy groups are cropping up all over the USA and are now becoming a dangerous menace to the population as their websites promote and radicalize young people into performing mass shootings and violence even to our own government and its representatives.  I think that these organizations have been allowed to become a more powerful influence due to certain politics and organizations that have used and promoted them.

Let it not be forgotten that the objective of all true governmental control is right synthesis, leading to right national and interior group activity.  The problem resolves itself into a dual one.  First of all, we have the problem of the type of authority which should be recognized by the peoples; and secondly, we have the problem of the methods which should be employed, so that the chosen authoritative measures will proceed either by the method of enforced control, or would be of such a nature that they will evoke a generously rendered and recognized cooperation.  Between these two ways of working, many changes can be rung, though the system of cooperation, willingly rendered by an intelligent majority, has never yet been seen.  But we are moving towards such a condition of world consciousness and are on our way towards experimenting with it. pg 51

This objective is what was lacking within our own government when people who were our leaders allowed these so-called white supremacy groups to get way out of control, demonstrated by weekly broadcasts of mass shootings and terrorist threats to not only our government officials but also our very government itself.  Hopefully, this and future administrations can correct and control most of these groups, otherwise, we will continue to see daily more chaos within our cities.  Many representatives within our government are focusing their attention on "glamour" by catering to lobby groups which give them millions of dollars to stay in power.  This threat to our freedoms must be controlled otherwise we are not only going to be threatened by those terrorist invading our country; but also those who are now threatening our freedoms from within our borders.

Between now and the year 2025, we will be seeing rapid changes in all areas of our planet - not only the threat from our increased climate change (due to the raising of the axis); but also economic, religious and revolutionary maneuvers right within our very borders.  All this is part and parcel to the dregs of all those authoritarian-types who know their day is done and they want to take as many with them as possible.  The weather patterns will be in many cases quite extreme but again, this is part of the "Divine Plan" - just one statement keeps occurring to me not only with the Book of Revelations when they speak about the sinking of certain land masses while other will be rising; but when the Manu of the Seventh Root races comes into the area of California; they call it "the islands of California" where the Seventh Root Race will be embodying.  

Let me here briefly indicate to you some of the modes of government which have been tried out, or will be tried out in the future.  

1.  Government by a recognized Spiritual Hierarchy.   This Hierarchy will be related to the masses of the people by a chain of developed men and women who will act as the intermediaries between the ruling spiritual body and a people who are oriented to a world of right values.  This form of world control lies indefinitely ahead.  When it becomes possible so to govern, the planetary Hierarchy will have made a major Approach to earth, and there will then be thousands of men and women in touch with Their organization because they will be developed enough to be sensitive to Its thoughts and ideas. pg. 51

In our World Service, that works with the entire planet on a weekly basis, one of our prayers is that "those who have been trained on inner levels by Hierarchy will take over government, finance and judicial system throughout the world, making sure that the governing in every country is with integrity, honesty and by those who are trained on inner levels to bring Peace, Justice and Divine Government on Earth as it is in Heaven." This is our prayer and we understand that as the consciousness of the masses begins to expand and people come into the awareness of those divine beings who are already externalizing for our benefit; then we will see our prayers come into reality.

2.  Government by an oligarchy of illumined minds, recognized as such by the massed thinkers, and therefore chosen by them to rule.  This they will do through the education of the thinkers of the race in group ideas and in their right application.  The system of education, then prevalent, will be utilized as the medium of reaching the masses and swinging them into line with the major ideas and this will be done not by force, but through right understanding, through analysis, discussion and experiment.  Curiously enough (from the point of view of many) the spiritual Hierarchy will then work largely through the world scientists who, being by that time convinced of the factual reality of the soul and wise in the uses of the forces of the soul and of nature, will constitute a linking body of occultists. pg. 52

Okay, remember Plato's Republic, remember our original constitutional by-laws "the Republic for which we stand?" These are not idle words but for some reason group leaders didn't appeal to our forefathers and they ended up developing a "democracy".  But, when you look at countries like ancient Greece, Venice and Italy, they formed a republic ruled by the people.  A group of citizens were chosen as their leaders and if they didn't like any one of group of leaders, they were quickly replaced.  History shows us that these group-lead republics worked out very well because they discussed policies and worked with the people in order to come up with right solutions.  Again, it takes education and advanced souls who are working for the "good of all." Pay attention to our scientists today in studies of "Quantum Physics" and the "string theory." They are realizing and rapidly advancing in their awareness that, through their research, when we reach a certain area which they call the "field," we are all one held together by a fine thread connecting all of us at this level of awareness. These scientists are slowly but surely coming to the conclusion that at this level we are all one and this is the reason the Hierarchy see them as their candidates for the leadership in governing all areas of our world.

3. Government by a true democracy.  This again will be made possible through a right use of the systems of education and by a steady training of the people to recognize the finer values, the more correct point of view, the higher idealism, and the spirit of synthesis and of cooperative unity.  Cooperative unity differs from an enforced unity in that the subjective spirit and the objective form are functioning towards one recognized end.  Today, such a thing as a true democracy is unknown, and the mass of the people in the democratic countries are as much at the mercy of the politicians and of the financial forces as are the people under the rule of dictatorships, enlightened or unenlightened.  These latter might be regarded as selfish idealists. But I would have you here note the word "idealist"!  When, however, the world has in it more truly awakened people and more thinking men and women, we shall see a purification of the political field taking place, and a cleansing of our processes of representation instituted, as well as a more exacting accounting required from the people of those whom they have chosen to put in authority.  There must eventually be a closer tie-up between the educational system, the legal system and the government, but it will all be directed to an effort to work out the best ideals of the thinkers of the day.  This period does not lie so far ahead as you might imagine, particularly if the first move in this direction is made by the new group of world servers. pgs. 52-53

Those of us living within a democratic country have a clear understanding of what is being addressed here, our forefathers were not awakened to the fact that as long as we have those politicians who are always "on the take" being bought by the lobbyists, we are truly not living in the democracy that can work for everyone. As long as we have politicians who are selfish and greedy we will have to cleanse the entire system in order for it to work as originally planned "for the people, by the people" not for themselves and their cronies.  Again, this will not work unless there's a complete demand by the people for people who will govern with integrity and honesty and who will be truly working for justice, liberty and freedom for all the people that they represent. 

This first move involves a right comprehension of goodwill.  These three systems, which are the three major systems, correspond to the three major rays of synthesis, of idealism, and of intelligence, which are only other names for the rays of Will or Power, of Love-Wisdom and  of Active Intelligence.

4.  Government by dictatorship.  This type of government divides itself into three parts:

a.  Rule by a monarchy, limited usually today by the will of the people, or rather by the politicians of the period, but symbolic of the ultimate rule of the Hierarchy under the Kingship of the Lord of the World.  pg. 53

Many countries have changed from a monarchy to either a democracy and/or a dictatorship, depending upon the politics and maneuvers of those taking over the governing of their countries.

b.  Rule by the leader of some democratic country, who is usually called a president, or by some statesman (no matter by what name he may choose to be called) who is frequently an idealist, though limited by his faulty human nature, by the period in which he lives, by his advisors, and by the widespread corruption and selfishness.  A study of such men who have held office in this capacity, made by a fair-minded neutral, will usually demonstrate the fact that they held office under the influence of some idea, which was in itself  intrinsically right (no matter how applied), which was forward-moving in its concept, and belonged to the then new age.  This relates them to the second ray. pg. 53

Again, as we are aware living under a democratic system, this type of government has more to do with politics. The fact that it can be ruled by a president, doesn't prevent it from being ruled by the majority party within the senate or house of representative.  It would be fine if the president and both parties were honest, fair-minded and their ultimate goal was for the good of all; but at this point in time, it is very much apparent that this is not the case in any country at the present time. This does not alter the fact that in the very near future with the externalization of Hierarchy, those leaders trained on inner levels will be looked upon by Hierarchy to be the future leaders of all countries.

c.  Rule by dictators, whose animating principle is not one of the new age ideals, emerging in their particular time, but an idealism of a more material kind - a generally recognized present idealism.  They are not usually reactionary nor are they found among the intuitive workers of their age, but they take what is grounded, settled and easily available - made so by the thinkers of their time - and then give it a material, national and selfish twist and objective, and so force it on the masses by fear, warlike means and material promises.  They belong, therefore, more practically to the third ray methods of work, for they are intelligent, expedient and materially constructive. True idealism, involving as it must the new age patterns, and religious incentives are lacking in their techniques.  Nevertheless, they do lead on another step, for they have a mass effect in evoking thought, and sometimes eventual resistance, as the result of that thought. pgs. 53-54

This is the group we discussed earlier, they are working on the negative side of the Third Ray and most lacking in any spiritual awareness and they mostly are intelligent, greedy, controlling authoritarians, who hold their people in fear and war.  They are interested in acquiring material gains through war and fear.  These are holding power in the Far East today as well as in some areas of the Middle East and the Philippines.  Again, their day is nearing its conclusion as they are also part of the Piscean Age of male dominance; as the Aquarian Age becomes fully anchored and the Piscean Age fades into the mists of time, so do these dictators - the problem at the present is they are also aware that their time is short and they will take as many people with them as possible.

Later we shall study these and other ways of governing, and analyze their ordinary modern expressions and future spiritual correspondences.  These will some day appear on earth as a result of the many experiments today going on.  Remember this. pg. 54

This is also happening at the present time.  Adonis and a group of high initiates are actually working on this study of other ways of governing, while analyzing ordinary modern expressions and future spiritual correspondences.  As He said, some day this will appear on earth and it's happening as we speak.

As I earlier said, the processes of education, of law and of government are so closely allied and so definitely related that if ever the work of this fifth group reaches a stage where it is indeed a germ of a new age organism (and many such groups will necessarily appear in the different countries of the world), it will be found that they will act as a clearing house or a linking body between the educators of the time, those who task it is to enforce the law, and the statesmen who are chosen by the educated masses to formulate the laws whereby they should be governed.  It will be apparent, therefore, along what three lines of study and work the members of this fifth group will proceed.  These I will not further elaborate in this place.  pg. 54

As we study these seed groups and all the information that Master D. K. has brought forth we now have a better understanding of Education in the New Age as essential and vital in working with the fifth group of political governing. Unless these two groups work hand and hand in educating and controlling while at the same time cooperating with one another, the Hierarchy's plan for the future governing of all countries will be delayed.  We should pay more attention to these groups working under Hierarchy like the one Adonis is working with, so we can add our prayers and encouragement in order to get all countries up to the standards required if we expect to live and move and have our beings in the New Age.

In view of the steady progress towards religious unity which has proceeded apace during the past 150 years, the work of the sixth group (religion in the new age), as is also the case with the first group (telepathic communication) promises rapid results.  This is, however, necessarily dependent upon the "skill in action" and the willingness of the group member and allied groups to proceed with slowness and tact. pg. 54

As we discussed in earlier lessons, this still poses a problem not only in the USA but in other countries.  The only possibility of religious unity is when those in Hierarchy begin to make themselves known throughout the world - not only is this absolutely necessary but it might be the solution to the current rigidity that holds much of our country in its grip.  It will take these High Initiates and Master Teachers along with the sixth seed group to make rapid progress along these lines.  Nothing happens overnight and Hierarchy is very aware of all the facts involved; but until Hierarchy flashes a light along with Their "skill in action" into the midst of these religious fanatics; we're going to continue to see many delays in moving forward into the New World Religion.

The moment any idea enters the religious field, it gains immediate momentum from the fact that the outstanding characteristic of the human consciousness is the sense of the Innermost or the Real, a recognition of subjective destiny, and an innate knowledge of and reaching out to the Unknown God.  Therefore, any truth or presentation of truth or method which has in it the possibility of  producing a nearer approach to divinity or a more rapid understanding of the "deeper Being" evokes an immediate response and reaction.  There is consequently much need for caution and considered action. pgs. 54-55

I can agree with everything stated in the above paragraph. I have recently presented some of the future-oriented concepts of Truth and how it is expedient for everyone at the present time to move forward and upward as quickly as possible and have been met with what is being preached at all of the churches "Christ is coming in the next few months, and if not He will not appear until another seven years".  "We are in Armageddon and Sodom & Gomorrah now racing across the land, with Gays, Trans, all sorts of perversions, we are right now in the midst of Sodom and Gomorrah."  "Nothing else will solve their problems unless we all pray that Jesus will arrive in time otherwise, the world might pass away before He comes again in Seven years" and "It's not in the Bible, we aren't interested".

I have already indicated to you the form that the religion of the new age will take (See The Reappearance of the Christ). It will be built around the periods of the Full Moon, wherein certain great Approaches will be made to the world of reality, also around two periods of massed Approaches to be made at the time of the major eclipse of the moon and of the sun during the year. The two major Full Moon Approaches will be those of the Wesak Full Moon and the Full Moon of June - one hitherto consecrated to the Buddha Who embodied the wisdom of God, and the other to the Bodhisattva (known to Christians as the Christ) Who embodied the love of God.

This is the Full Moon Eclipse   
On Wesak on the 16th of May, 2022
 Under the Buddha 

The platform of the new world religion will have in it three major presentations of truth, or three major doctrines, if such an undesirable word can be permitted.  It is with the elaboration of these three points of view, or evocations of truth, that the work of the sixth group of disciples will be concerned.  They are:

1.  The fact of the Spirit of God, both transcendent and immanent, will be demonstrated, and also a similar fact in relation to man.  The mode of their approach to each other, via the soul, will be indicated.   This aspect of the emerging truth might be called Transcendental Mysticism. pg 55

I know this to be a fact.  As we approach our own Soul and/or Solar Angel, we are now working at the "soul-level of being".  This takes us out of the world of illusion and transcends all emotions and bypasses the little or lower mind.  At this point, we are now merging with our own Higher Selves quickly and efficiently - all aspirants, initiates and disciples are called upon at this time to be working on soul contact on a daily basis.  When working with Triangles and/or Twelves we are working from the Soul-level of being and as we are doing Triangles on a daily basis, then we are rapidly making contact with our Higher Selves.

2.  The fact of the divine quality of the Forces in nature and in man and the method of their utilization for divine purposes by man.  This might be called Transcendental Occultism. pg 55

This is an area that most of us are now just beginning to formulate a relationship with the Forces of nature.  Mankind has moved so far away from the lower kingdoms for eons of time that they have forgotten how important it is to align with the Forces in nature.  As we become reacquainted and also bring them into our daily routine, we will realize that the Forces of nature will be working directly with us in the New Age,  i.e. the Elemental Kingdom and the Devas.

3.  The fact, implied in the first, that Humanity, as a Whole, is an expression of divinity, a complete expression, plus the allied fact of the divine nature and work of the planetary Hierarchy, and the mode of the Approach of these two groups, in group form, to each other.  This might be called Transcendental Religion. pg. 56

 Our future destiny is to be working directly with Hierarchy.  In fact, at the present time, all the work we are doing in Triangles and Twelves is part of this group endeavor.  In the future, as more and more of Hierarchy enters the planet, They will be drawing into the various groups around the world in order to bring Their light, knowledge and wisdom into these established groups.  Once They have established this connection with all of the groups, then the groups are to spread the word through the spoken word, the written and through social media. It is already happening in many areas and will only grow stronger and more potent in the next few years.

More than this I will not here indicate as I seek to touch briefly upon the remaining three groups.  I will, however, point out that we shall elaborate somewhat the Technique of the Presence of God, approaching it from a new angle that of the Group, and also upon the Technique of Light.  Two lesser Techniques I have at times called to your attention and with these we will later deal, for they are in the nature of approaches to the other two - the Technique of Indifference and the Technique of Service (See Glamor: A World Problem). As we study the divine Approaches, we shall see that they involve two parties or two groups - those found on the objective and those on the subjective side of life. pg. 56

This is already happening and is catching on around the world, the Star Retreat has connected with a group of people in many nations and it is growing rapidly - every week we see new groups of Twelves joining from around the globe.  At the present time we are working with 4 Twelves and the Star Retreat on a weekly basis.  The unique feature concerning this group of souls is that they all say the prayers in their own language, therefore not only are different countries represented but different races, language and time zones are all part of the mix. As these Twelves Groups hold the light in formation, the Members of the Star Retreat send forth the Light into each of these dodecahedrons. This light is then sent into the four kingdoms of the Earth and into the Hearts of all mankind.  At the present time, we are concentrating on the Ukraine and sending Light and Love into all areas including Russia. The goal for these groups is to reach 144,000 as we've already reached 144  in a very short period of time, and with people joining in Twelves every week, it will not take long for these wonderful souls to connect with the group under the direction of Hierarchy and the Twelves - so in a way, we are already working on the objective and subjective levels.

The work of the seventh group, which is in the field of science, is closely allied to that of the seventh ray and is one with a most practical physical purpose.  It is strictly magical in its technique, and this technique is intended to produce a synthesis between the three aspects of divinity upon the physical plane, or between life, the solar energies and the lunar forces.  This involves a difficult task and much understanding; the work to be done is not easy to comprehend. It will be carried forward by first ray workers, assisted by seventh ray aspirants, but using fifth ray methods.  They will thus combine, in their personnel, the work of the destroyer of outgrown forms, the findings of the scientists who penetrated behind the outer form to its motivating energy, and the practical work of the magician who - under the law - creates the new forms, as expressions of the inflowing life. pg. 56

Okay, we know that we are now working on both the Blue Ray as well as the Violet Ray (First and Seventh Rays).  According to our understanding of the Fifth Ray, those on this Ray are Scientists who do research, and it is through their consecration and concentration that they find the Truth.  It is through this method that Quantum Physics was discovered and it catapulted science into a whole new dimension. It is the destroyer (First Ray) who will work towards eliminating any outgrown forms, while the Seventh Ray group will act as the synthesis between the three groups.  As the First Ray group works under the direction of Shamballa and the Will of God, they will carry out the actions required to complete any task.

This group of disciples will make a close study of the problem of evil, and they will bring about a better understanding of the purpose existing in matter or substance, and the inflowing enlightened and different purpose of the soul aspect.  That is why (in my earlier discussion of the subject) I linked the results of religion and of science together; religion is concerned with the awakening to conscious purpose of the soul in man or form, whilst science is concerned with the activity of the outer form as it lives its own life, yet slowly becomes subservient to that purpose and to soul impress.  This is the thought contained in the words "scientific service" as used by me.  The work of this group is therefore a triple one: 

1.  They will take the most advanced inferences of the workers in the field of science, and will then formulate the new hypotheses upon which the next immediate steps forward in any particular scientific field will be founded. pg. 57

Never before has religion and science linked in any way.  But as these advanced souls working in the field of science make more and more discoveries opening their minds to the highest levels, at the same time, they are moving into a more spiritual awakening.  Therefore, as the new age comes into both the scientists and religious awareness, they realize that by combining the spiritual path to the soul with the activities of the outer form there is a need for the synthesis of both science and religion in order to move mankind into the next level of consciousness.

2.  They will avail themselves of the sensitive reactions which the new spiritual Approaches (as taught by the world religion of the time) will have made possible and - utilizing the inferences thus made available in connection with the inner world of spirit - will outline the nature of the incoming forces which will determine and motivate the culture of the time. pg. 57

Again, we see that by combining these two groups, as the new spiritual teachings are brought forth, the scientists will give intelligent explanations as to the nature of the incoming Hierarchy and how it will make all the motivating changes to the culture of the time.

3. Taking the substance of material, and the spiritual inferences and the scientific hypotheses, they will formulate those forms of service on the physical plane which will precipitate with rapidity the Plan for the immediate present.  They will release through this blend of scientific knowledge and intuitive idealism, those energies which will further human interests, relate the subhuman to the human through a right interplay of forces, and thus clear the way of those intellectual impediments which will (and always have) blocked man's approach to the superhuman world.  pg. 57

 As both of these groups bring forth the material as well as the spiritual inferences and scientific hypotheses, they will actually facilitate this dual approach on the physical plane.  By releasing both the blend of scientific knowledge and spiritual interaction, they will actually speed up the plan for the present time. By combining their knowledge they will spark human interest, while at the same time raise the awareness within the subhuman through right action. thus clearing up much that has in the past blocked man's approach to the superhuman world - the world of Spirit.

I doubt that it will be possible to do much in connection with the forming of this group, and this for several reasons.

The first is that such a group cannot be formed until a certain  scientific discovery has been made of such moment that our present scientific inhibition in recognizing the fact of the soul as a creative factor, will disappear. This discovery will be part of the acknowledged "facts of science" by  the year 1975.  Secondly, A.A.B. has not the necessary scientific knowledge to do more than grasp the broader outlines of the intended work, and then only primarily from the angle of the more mystical and philosophical approaches.  Nor, my brothers, have I.  It will take a fifth or seventh ray initiate to deal with this matter, and though I could invoke the assistance of such a brother, it does not seem to me a profitable expenditure of force at this time. The sigh of relief from A.A.B. as she grasps the fact that there is one less group to tackle on my and your behalf would almost warrant my making this a major reason. pgs. 57-58

Here again, as the Master D. K. gives out in the year 1938, that something profound has to happen in the world of science before this interaction can even begin to happen - remember, all scientists up until recent times thought in terms of "concrete knowledge"; but since the discovery of Quantum Physics, and the "field" and the "string theory" were discovered, science has now moved on into the new awareness that when one reaches the "field" we are all one; and when one sees that all within the field are connected by fine threads, (the antakarana) then science had to make major adjustments in terms of "concrete knowledge" and now is more aligned in thinking with those of more spiritual tendencies.

Let us now pass on to a brief indication of the work of the eighth group, which is psychological service.  In this field the work will be lifted out of the realm of the strictly human and will concern itself with wider issues - for, my brothers - there are wider issues than those which concern the human family alone.  The work of these disciples will cover the following three issues: 

1.  The relation of the human soul to the subhuman kingdoms in nature and the place of the human kingdom as an intermediary between the three higher kingdoms and the three lower. pg. 58

This is happening at the present time and although we are working and praying for the lower kingdoms; we have yet to make the acquaintance of those wonderful beings who literally take care of the whole human kingdom i.e. they provide the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the perfect temperature for us to maintain life upon the planet; while maintaining an ecosystem that keeps a balance in nature.  Most of mankind has ignored these wonderful beings that work within the Earth, the Air, the Fire and the Water - they are so overburdened with the pollution, chemicals and garbage in our waters, sprayed on our foods, filling our air that mankind is becoming more physically ill from all the pollution that he has created.  Although many light groups around the world are now praying and acting as intermediaries for these kingdoms.

2.  The quality of the soul in the three subhuman kingdoms, with particular emphasis upon the animal and the vegetable kingdoms.  The consciousness of the mineral kingdom is so far removed from the human that is is not possible for us to formulate anything about it in words, or to identify ourselves with it until after the expansion of consciousness which takes place after the third initiation - that of the Transfiguration. pg. 58

My understanding of the animal soul is that it is a group soul and the brain is connected to the solar plexus, there is no light within the head of these animals.  While the elementals create our foods to maintain our health, we know little about the soul quality of those in both the vegetable and mineral kingdom.  We know that the crystals and gold and silver when purified, are good conductors of energy and even healing, copper is also an excellent conductor of healing.

3.  A study of the Plan, as it appears at this time to be working out in the five kingdoms in nature.  It will be apparent to you that the teaching connected with this group will be more definitely and academically occult in its significance than will be the case in the others, for it will be based upon information contained in The Secret Doctrine and in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. It will be founded upon certain premises contained in those volumes. Therefore, the members of this group of disciples will be of the more orthodox persuasion; they will be theosophists by nature, and academic by disposition. pg. 59

Although I have read Secret Doctrine I & II, I have little recollection of the plan for the five kingdoms in nature.  This will take further study and will be discussed in future lessons. At the present time, I am aware that within the animal kingdom, there has been some changes; the domesticated animals are interacting with the human kingdom almost intuitively. 

The nature of the anima mundi, the fact of the subjective consciousness found in all forms without exception, and the existence of an interplay between these forms, through the medium of the soul, will be the major theme. Soul sensitivity and reaction to the energy in any form will be the training objective of the group members.  Owing to the difficulty of this task, the members of this eighth group will be chosen from the personnel of the other groups, for they will have had a fair measure of training in their preliminary work.  Two groups will then be interlocking groups - that which is formed of the key people in all the groups, and this one. pg. 59

Speaking of science, today's scientists are working with trees, plants and within our forests and have been discovering that all life within these beautiful trees and plants are interacting through  their roots.  They definitely have a form of communication going on that protects them as well as supports the weaker trees or plants.  This has been shown on TV and we begin to see how far-reaching science has become in such a short period of time.  There is a great reverence for these beautiful trees especially since many of our beautiful forests have been destroyed by fire.  Already there is planting going on to restore many of the trees and plants that have been destroyed.

This could mean that it will be a much easier task for this eighth group in their work with both the plant and animal and their subjective consciousness.  Although much has been discovered concerning these kingdoms, there will be much more for the eighth group to do- but we need to remember that the tenth group formed by 3 people out of each group and this group will be working together and so the eighth will not be working alone on this most difficult task.

The ninth group, whose project is financial service, will be one of the most practical and interesting from the standpoint of the present world situation and modern conditions. I may begin to organize this group before long, provided some of my disciples show me the subjective signs for which I look, which involves a right understanding and spiritual appreciation of money.  By this I do not mean that any of you who do show such signs will be in this group, but you will provide the right conditions which will make its inception possible; one or two of the key people, however, may form part of the financial service group if the plan works out as hoped and intended. pg. 59

Not many people have a clear understanding of what money is supposed to be used for and many of today's financiers put money above everything else - it becomes their god.  The Ninth Group has their work cut out for them because 99% of mankind do not see or understand the spiritual appreciation for money.  It will take a Herculean effort to make any concrete changes in this particular field and yet, the redistribution of the wealth must be part of the Divine Plan, this is one area that all World Servers should pray will happen.  The intercession of Hierarchy as They externalize would have to go directly to Wall St. ASAP if there's going to be any major changes in the very near future.

The task to be undertaken by this group is to study the significance of money as directed and appropriated energy.  This direction of force produces concretization*, and the work is then in the field of magical endeavor. As with the work of the other groups, the task to be carried out falls into three categories of endeavor: pgs. 59-60

 * Concretization means to make real and tangible

As we all know, money is the exchange of energy.  In the far past, people exchanged goods with one another, while others traded whatever they hunted down in exchange for something they needed.  Beads and silver, gold and gems were also used as an exchange of energy.  The work ENERGY is the key here.  In order for this group to be able to work in this particular field with those who see money as their God, will have to have all their ducks in a row as the Master D. K. explains in the following three categories of endeavor:

1.  The effort to understand the nature of prana or of vital etheric energy and the three qualities which distinguish it;  these are (as you well know) inertia, activity and rhythm or - giving them their Hindu names - tamas, rajas and sattva**.   When the mineral wealth of the world was undiscovered and unused, we had the stage of tamas at its deepest and most inert point.  Much concerning money today is related to the karma and destiny of the mineral kingdom.  With this, however. we need not here concern ourselves.  The processes of the pranic life were originally carried out in the realm of barter and the exchange of that which is found upon the surface of the earth and later went down into the depths, thus bringing into fluidity the deepest and densest expression (from the human standpoint) of divinity.  This is a point to be remembered.  pg. 60

** inertia=tamas; activity=rajas; and rhythm=sattva - The mineral wealth (mining for gold, silver, crystal) was not being acted upon at that time - or we can say that this form of wealth was in a state of inertia as it hadn't been discovered as yet. Originally, mankind used that which was found upon the surface of the Earth as a form of exchange and/or trade; later, they began to dig deeper and deeper into the core of the Earth, which is all a part of God, as He created all the kingdoms.

Today the process is being reversed and money is connected with the produce of the vegetable kingdom in the form of paper money, founded upon the mineral wealth of the world.  This is an interesting subjective reality to have in mind. pg. 60

Paper comes from wood - wood comes from the trees (that are part of the plant vegetable kingdom) yet, no one thinks of it in those particular subjective terms.

2.  A study of the processes whereby money has been steadily deflected from personal uses, both in the good and in the evil sense. 

I do not, however, intend to write a treatise upon finance.  It would largely be a record of man's dire selfishness, but I seek to deal with money as the Hierarchy sees the problem, and to consider it as a form of energy, prostituted at this time to material ends or to the selfish aspirations and ambitions of well-meaning servers.  They are limited in their view and need to get a picture of the possibilities inherent in the present situation which could deflect much of this form of concretized divine energy into constructive channels and "ways of light." pg.60

Again, we can see that the seed group over education would be needed here to educate children and young adults about the use of money and the energy that is being misused through greed and selfishness.  By educating the young with the understanding that money is part of the divine energy of God and that its use is to provide a means of exchange for their work, for their families, for their homes and their future - it is not to be horded and kept from the masses as it is today; but must be redistributed evenly so that all of mankind can enjoy the fruits of their labors under the right use of God's divine energy.  This must be a factor in educating our future leaders and financiers right from the elementary through college and must be made a part of every school's curriculum. 

3. A study of the Law of Supply and Demand, so that there can be made available for the Masters' work through the medium of the world disciples (of pure motive and skill in action and tried responsibility) that which is needed, and, my brothers, sorely needed by Them. pg. 61

We are still talking about motive and the Law of Supply and Demand needs to be part of the education of everyone - this can best be accomplished through the educators and at the same time making sure that this exchange of energy is for the "good of all" and not for any selfish ends. 

Money has been deflected into entirely material ends, even in its philanthropic objectives.  The most spiritual use now to be found in the world is the application of money to the purposes of education.  When it is turned away from the construction of the form side and the bringing about solely of material well-being of humanity and deflected from its present channels into truly spiritual foundations much good will be done, the philanthropic ends and the educational objectives will not suffer, and a step forward will be made.  This time is not yet, but the spiritualizing of money and its massing in quantities for the work of the Great Ones, the Disciples of the Christ, is part of a much needed world service and can now make a satisfactory beginning; but it must be carried forward with spiritual insight, right technique and true understanding.  Purity of motive and selflessness are taken for granted. pg. 61

The above paragraph is self-explanatory in that money has to now be used for the benefit of all mankind, especially those who will be entering our planet as the Externalization of the Hierarchy continues to manifest here on Earth.  They will be amassing in quantities for those Disciples of the Christ, Who will be making sure that right-action and right use of this particular energy will be something that all disciples will be making available as a world service for these Great Ones. 

The Immediate Task

September 28, 1938

The Hierarchy is deeply concerned over world events. I am asked to request you to continue with the goodwill work at all costs and in the face of all obstacles. The nucleus already formed must be preserved. The new group of world servers must preserve its integrity and work undismayed. All is not yet lost. The steadiness of those who know God's Plan will help humanity and aid the efforts of the Elder Brothers. They are those who love an do not hate and who work for unity-both subjective and spiritual. pg. 61

Remember this book was written in the late 1930's and War and the rumors of War was already happening in Europe and Asia.  Even though Hierarchy was deeply concerned They endeavored to keep the students and disciples connected and advised them to continue to give service - He indicated here, political service along the lines of what the human destiny will be like; but at the same time letting the public know that Hierarchy is there and will be giving certain groups of people who are pondering the theme of what will happen to our world - They would be working with these particular people who have a grasp of what is going on.

This is all I can say at this time, for the Hierarchy itself know not which forces will prevail. They know that good must ultimately triumph but They do not know what the immediate future holds for humanity because men determine their own courses. The Law of Cause and Effect can seldom be offset. In those cases where it has been offset, it has required the intervention of Forces greater than those available at this time upon the planet. Those greater Forces can intervene if the world aspirants make their voices penetrate. Will this be possible? The forces of destruction, militating against the Forces of good, have (to use your American phrase) "cornered" the money assets of the world and have turned the tide of prana - which automatically crystallizes into money and in the financial wealth of the world - towards entirely material, separative and personal ends. It is not easily available, therefore, for the spread and culture of goodwill and this applies equally to the money which is in the hands of aspirants, as in the hands of those who are purely selfishly minded. So many aspirants have not learnt to give the sacrifice. If you can reach some of the financial abundance and deflect it towards the ends of the Great White Lodge of which the Christ is the Master, it will be, at this time, one of the most constructive things you can do to help. pgs. 61-62

Not even the Hierarchy knew which way the Cause and Effect of karma would fall; but at the same time They were prepared to intervene with the Forces greater in effect than the forces on the planet at that time (this would be those who work under the First Ray in Shamballa).  He also tells us that money is being misused again and even some of the aspirants who have acquired financial abundance need to deflect it towards the Great White Lodge, where in the Christ is the Master - He further explains that it would be one of the most constructive things you can do to help.

In this time of stress and strain, my brothers, I would remind all aspirants and disciples that there is no need for the sense of futility or for the registration of littleness. The seed groups that will function in the new age are, at this time, in the dark and growing stage and in the process of expansion, working silently. This stage is, however, more important for according to the healthiness of the seeds and their ability to cast strong roots downward and to penetrate slowly and steadily upwards into the light, so will be the adequacy of their contribution to the new age which is upon us. I would emphasize that fact to you. The New Age is upon us and we are witnessing the birth pangs of the new culture and the new civilization. This is now in progress. That which is old and undesirable must go and of these undesirable things, hatred and the spirit of separation must be the first to go. pg 62

Does this theme of "hatred and the spirit of separation" sound familiar?  Well, after WWII;  Korea; Vietnam, the Middle Eastern Wars, we seem to have not learned a thing, we're still under the same dark cloud of separateness and hatred, racism and bigotry - when will it end?  The answer is that although we feel the weight of this continuing darkness, we are also cognizant of the every increasing light filling the entire planet.  We can see the fruits of the "Labor of Love" from the Hierarchy and all of the Seed Groups that were planted many years ago, these groups are now manifesting in many areas of the world and in many parts of society.  Hopefully, the Divine Plan will come sooner than later as this planet and her people are all very tired of war, poverty, hatred and the lack of balance within our economic and political fields of endeavor. 

I told you before that accidents to individuals are the result, usually, of an explosion of force and that these explosions are caused by the hatreds and the unkind thoughts and the critical words of those involved in the accident. The world situation today is not caused by the ambitions of any one person or race, or by the materialism, aggression and pride of any particular nation. It is not basically the result of the wrong economic conditions existing in the world at this time. It is caused entirely by the widespread hatred in the world - hatred of people and of races, hatred of individuals and of those in power, or of influence, and hatred of ideas and of religious beliefs. Fundamentally, it is caused by the separative attitudes of all peoples and races who, down the centuries and also today, have hated each other and loved themselves. It is caused by people in every country, who have sought to cast the blame for conditions on everyone except themselves, and who have diligently sought for scapegoats whereby they may feel personal immunity for their share in the wrong thinking, the wrong speaking and the wrong doing. pgs. 62-63

Well, there you have it, the answer to the questions I was asking above.  It's us at the root of all that's happening within and around us - in every state, country, nation and the world itself, we the people haven't learned what is is to have "brotherly love" for one another, no matter, race, religion, country of origin and or political beliefs. It seems that the Seed Group of Education and the Seed Group over religion needs to step up their combined forces of light and begin to enlighten everyone in every country that Brotherhood and "love thy neighbor as thyself" are, and should be the watch-words from now on, otherwise we will continue to see the worsening conditions occurring everywhere on the planet.

This fact should be grasped and faced by all aspirants and disciples, including the members of the seed groups. They are not immune from the prevalent failings and many of them have sought to apportion the blame for world conditions and to criticize those who are seeking, in their own way and fashion, to deal with the situation. Clear thinking, a clear appraisal of causes and a loving outgoing to all, should distinguish all disciples at this time. Where this attitude does not exist, there is ever the danger of absorption into the vortex of hatred and separativeness and the divorcing of the person by this (even if only temporarily) from the vortex of love. This spells danger and glamour. The very fact that disciples are all so pronouncedly individual, intensifies their reactions, good and bad. pg. 63

The light bulb just went off in my head!  Of course, we need to act as one group soul world-wide and continue to expand this wonderful group into every area of the planet. Here we all have the tools to make life here on Earth a more loving and peaceful existence by working as a group who through the love of each other - send that light and love out into this tired and broken world and when we multiply this by the interaction with Hierarchy and the power of three times three and ten thousand by ten thousand then great changes can be expected as well as a quickening of those souls who still are living in the shadows. 

I stand almost bewildered (did I not know and love human nature so well) at the little advance in loving thinking that some disciples have shown. It is time now, in the face of the difficulty and seeming inadequacy, to begin the intended group work, if such a beginning is ever to be made. Each group has been organized to fulfill a specific task. This united group work has not yet been started. That task must be begun. pgs. 63-64

It has now begun and it is already showing remarkable results in the very short time we have all joined forces in love, in the soul and with positive and loving intent.

Group One can telepathically influence leading people and speak to their minds so that they may be impressed with the need which has been described by one of the Great Ones as "the loving salvage of the world." They must be led to realize that their policies must be determined by world good. The success that the group had in helping ... indicated their ability to be constructively useful. pg. 64

As I, personally have not met anyone who is in the Group One, I cannot make any comment here except to pray that their work is well underway and that the seeds that were planted so many years ago are now living, breathing plants working directly under Hierarchy for the good of all mankind.

Group Two can work, if they are willing, in a constructive fashion to end some of the world glamour. This they can do because several of the group members have successfully fought glamour in their lives. pg. 64

I think all of us are coming to the conclusion that glamor has held us all back from moving into the light of our souls.  The great initiation of the Second Ray is upon us in working out where we stand as far as materialism vs spiritualism is concerned - it's time to make a decision and take a stand, if there is going to be any forward movement.

Group Three can begin group healing under direction, once certain interior adjustments have been made. pg. 64

Having lived in several states, I have joined many spiritual groups and have found that many groups are working on healing not only individuals but the planet as well.  Some are found to be working directly under Hierarchy's influence while others haven't reached that state of awareness at the present time; but their intentions are coming from a good place.

Group Four can attempt to aid in the building of the world antahkarana, working of course in group formation. This they can do if they divorce themselves, as individuals, from all separative ideas and learn to work in the spirit of love and with a conscious decentralization of their personalities. pg 64

This is what the Triangles and Twelves Groups are working on at the present time.  The important point here is that all of us as a group soul leave all of our everyday concerns in a "box" and move forward as one soul towards the Star Retreat. There is such a feeling of brotherly love and inter-connectedness with Hierarchy that we seem to float in the light of Their presence.

There are, my brothers, weaknesses to be found in all the group members. Personality tendencies and errors exist and the mistakes which involve, primarily, a man's own interests and his own internal life; but these constitute no serious detriment to group work, for they can be overcome or rendered entirely superficial with a very little effort. Impatience with the results already achieved, a feeling of smug superiority, certain physical failings and personal ambitions of a superficial kind are present in several members in all of the groups. And in each group, at this time, there is one member whose difficulties are of a more serious nature, because they constitute a true detriment to the group life, providing (as they do) entrance for forces which do, most definitely, hold back the flow of spiritual life and prevent the work of a group nature moving forward to accomplishment. In these cases, what can I do? pg. 64

Over the years, we've seen people come and go.  Mostly due to the extreme love and light the World Servers give to the world on a weekly basis.  None of us are perfect (otherwise we'd all be ascended by now); but when we enter into group formation, whether it's the World Service, the New And Full Moon Twelves Service, the Burning Ground Service or our Triangles, we are expected to approach and enter into a "soul awareness" to work from the highest level of our beings - it is not for everyone; but we are planting the seeds for all who come in contact with us, for their future, when they are willing and more equipped to handle being the Bridge between Hierarchy and Humanity.

First of all, I must exert infinite patience and give to each person full time for change. This I have done - for years in some cases, and have thereby taxed the patience of the group members who were not implicated in the particular situation and weakness, and who longed to begin group work. The lesson of patience has not been lost and I would remind the group members that if they ever hope to have hierarchical standing, they must learn that love and that patience which can wait - thinking no evil and fostering only good. pg. 65

As humans and not Masters, it is sometimes difficult to see someone who could be a part of our group fall off the Path; but the need to be patient and the need to realize that we have at least planted the seed, will help them. In the meantime, we need to include them in our prayers and send them love and at the same time bring them to the temples of light each and every night to help with the expansion of their consciousness.

I made clear to you this year that a drastic reorganization might be in order and that the groups might have to be rearranged somewhat before the united group work could be carried forward. This reorganization seems now to me to be unavoidable. It is not final. It does not touch the enduring, unchanging relation which has been established and which will persist among all of you eternally. Nothing can basically separate you. pg. 65

As with any initial start-up whether its a small group and/or a large group, it takes time and effort and throughout the whole endeavor; adjustments and reorganization must be made.  For instance, when I started the World Service back in 1974, it was a small group praying for the world and for healing at my home.  Then, we formed a much larger group and had a place where we met every Wednesday night for five to six years.  Then I left for Colorado and started another group - small at first and then it grew and then I moved to Maine and formed a group in New Hampshire that is still going today.  When I finally came back to California I started the current group and the whole World Service was conducted and guided by me.  At some point along the way I was informed by Hierarchy that from that time onward, it would be a group service with every individual participating and this has been very effective - even the prayers and service itself has changed - we used to do this service every Wednesday night - now we do it every Wednesday morning, we used to meet at Jane's office; but now we do Zoom calls.  Not only do we do Zoom for the World Service every Wednesday, but we do our Twelves Full Moon and New Moon Meditations on Zoom.  Time changes everything and we have to move with the times.

The objective of the work of these seed groups is to familiarize people with the hierarchical Plan as it is working out today in this time of crisis. In these last three words you have the theme which is of paramount importance to you at this time. Is it? Your work is partly to dispel illusion, but primarily to impress the Plan upon the consciousness of the leading people in the world. It has seemed to us that this crisis is more keenly realized by worldly people than it is by world aspirants, who do have a slight vision of the objectives. Those who are not oriented to the spiritual Hierarchy and to the Path are now largely dedicated to activities of a world nature (either good or what you call bad) and this is not true of the world aspirants. They, instead of working actively to bring about the accomplishment of the ends indicated by the Plan (which are of a spiritual nature and unifying in their effect, breeding not hatred and separativeness, but world understanding and fusion) spend their time in speculation, in criticism of the various world leaders and in fearful foreboding - none of which is in the least helpful and, in the last analysis, is definitely harmful. This harmfulness is due to a powerfully directed thoughtform, constructed by men and women of a certain aptitude in spiritual advancement. pg. 65-66

Many light bearers and groups are now using the internet to get the word out.  Not only do we have a blog that has been operating since 2014, but Adonis also has a beautiful web site as has the international Twelves Group, The Arcane School (Triangles) and the Theosophical Society, just to name a few of the many who are working under Hierarchy and getting the word out to all those seeking to be enlightened.

The responsibility of thought is little grasped as yet by those who are numbered among the world aspirants; yet their thought-making activity is now either definitely constructive or potentially destructive. I hesitate to enlarge upon this theme, owing to the probable personality reactions which those who read these words may generate. I am, therefore, speaking here of the world in general and not so specifically of the world aspirants and pledged workers. pg. 66

The word "harmlessness" comes to mind as I read the above paragraph, we as light bearers have to be more mindful of the potency of our thoughts, words and deeds.  Therefore we need to consciously on a daily basis watch what we are thinking and speaking about and also any action we might take in relation to what we've perceived to be our thoughts.  I myself, have been guilty of getting into the political arena and my thoughts were not always harmless but thoughtless and I was brought up short by certain disciples and had to take a giant step backwards finally giving up watching the news when it pertained to politics, rather blessing all concerned and that they be brought to "light, illumination and love forever".

End of Lesson



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