Thursday, October 30, 2014

22-2014 -SPECIAL REPORT - ON WORLD CRISIS - 10/29/14

The following information was given to us by the Master Djwal Kjwal, the Tibetan, and this information applies to us living in the "here and now".  As World Servitors. we can invoke and memorize this "Great Invocation" and do it on a daily basis.  Each time we invoke it, it channels light, love, power and wisdom into all areas of the Earth - you see, it has within it a greater power for good than we can even imagine - it calls Hierarchy to fulfill the Will of God on Earth each time it is given with love and concentration.

He states the following:

"As we begin the new millennium, we face the fact that materialistic values have led humanity to a state of profound crisis.  Our very survival is threatened, not only by militarism, but by our lack of wisdom and will to feed the hungry, to share our plentiful resources, and to solve the many other critical problems which confront the human family.

Yet the solution exists, One of the greatest insights of our time is that of the interdependence and interrelatedness of all life.  Today millions of people share the conviction of an inner spiritual unity within humanity which transcends any outer differences of race, nation and creed.  As men and women of goodwill the world over give expression to this conviction in their lives, a process of planetary transformation is taking place.  A new civilization is emerging which embraces all peoples and is founded upon the recognition of our common humanity and right human relations.

The world's problems are of humanity's making and they are for humanity to solve.  But the essence of the spiritual life lies in knowing that we are not alone.  The energies of divinity are abundantly available and, on World Invocation Day*, an appeal is made for the release of the energies which will enable humanity to create the new civilization.
* World Invocation Day is the first Full Moon in June of any year - mf

Today the  reappearance of the World Teacher is expected by millions, by those of every faith who expect the Avatar under such names as the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Iman Mahdi and the Bodhisattva.  The use of the Great Invocation is one of humanity's most potent tools in preparing human consciousness for the reappearance of this World Teacher.

To use the Great Invocation in World Service for it speaks directly to world need today.  We need light to illumine the way ahead and reveal the vision of a new civilization, we need love to govern the relationships between people and bring to an end the reign of hatred and separatism; we need the power of the will-to-good to direct human choice and decision making.  It  builds a channel through which light, love and power can reach and irradiate the hearts and minds of people everywhere.

The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let light descend to Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Light stream forth into the Hearts of Men
May the World Teacher return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,
Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men,
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
and may it seal  the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Please note:  I think you'll find that D.K. doesn't mess around but explains why we've had so much disease, insanity, and dysfunctional problems since World War I, getting worse in WWII, accelerating in Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq I & II along with Afghanistan.

D.K. explains about Esoteric Training in the Period of Transition

The Period of Transition

"One of the results of the world condition at this time is the speeding up of all the atomic lives upon and within the planet.  This necessarily involves the increased vibratory activity of the human mechanism, with a consequent effect upon the psychic nature, producing an abnormal sensitivity and psychic awareness.  It would be of value here to remember that the condition of humanity at this time is not the result of simply one factor, but of several - all of them being active simultaneously, because this period marks the close of one age and the inauguration of the new (Aquarian Age). 

The factors to which I refer are, primarily three in number:

1.  This is a transition period between the passing out of the Piscean Age, with its emphasis upon authority and belief, and the coming in of the Aquarian Age, with its emphasis upon individual understanding and direct knowledge (in other words self-realization-mf).  The activity of three (3) forces, characteristic of the two signs, produces in the atoms of the human body, a corresponding activity.  We are on the verge of new knowledge and the atoms of the body are being tuned up for reception.  These atoms which are predominantly Piscean are beginning to slow down their activity and to be "occultly withdrawn."  as it is called, or obstructed, whilst those which are responsive to the New Age tendencies are, in their turn, being stimulated and their vibratory activity increased. 

2.  The world was marked a climax in the history of mankind, and its subjective effect was far more potent than has hitherto been grasped.  Through  the power of prolonged sound, carried forward as a great experiment on the battlefields all over the world during a period of four years (1914-1918) and through the intense, emotional strain of the entire planetary populace, the web of etheric matter (called the "veil of the temple") which separates the physical and astral planes was rent or torn asunder, and the amazing process of unifying the two worlds of physical plane living and of astral plane experience was begun and is now slowly going on.  It will be obvious, therefore, that this must bring about vast changes and alterations in the human consciousness.  Whilst it will usher in the age of understanding, of brotherhood and of illumination, it will also bring about states of reaction and the letting loose of psychic forces which today menace the uncontrolled and ignorant, and warrant  the sounding of a note of warning and of caution. 

3.   A third factor is as follows.  It has been known for a long time by the mystics of all the world religions and by esoteric students everywhere, that certain members of the planetary Hierarchy are approaching closer to the earth at this time  by this I want you to infer that the thought, or the mental attention of the Christ and of certain of His great disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, is directed or focused at this time on human affairs, and that some of Them are also preparing to break Their long silence and may appear later among men.  This necessarily has a potent effect, first of all upon Their disciples and on those who are attuned to and synchronized with Their Minds, and secondly, it should be remembered that the energy which flows through these focal points of the Divine will, will have a dual effect and be destructive as well as constructive, according to the quality of the bodies which react to it.  Different types of men respond distinctively to any inflow of energy, and a tremendous psychic stimulation is at this time going on, with results both divinely beneficent and sadly destructive.

It might be added also that certain astrological relationships between the constellations are releasing new types of force which are playing through our solar system and on to our planet and thereby making possible developments hitherto frustrated in expression, and bringing about the demonstration of latent powers and the manifestation of new knowledge.  All this must be most carefully borne in mind by the worker in the field of human affairs if the present crisis is to be rightly appreciated and its splendid opportunities rightly employed.  I have felt it wise to write a few words concerning the condition to be found in the world today especially in connection with esoteric, occult and mystical groups and the spiritualistic movement.

All true spiritual thinkers and workers are much concerned at this time about the growth of crime on every hand, by the display of the lower psychic powers, by the apparent deterioration of the physical body, as shown in the spread of disease, and by the extraordinary increase in insanity, neurotic conditions, and mental unbalance.  All this is the result of the tearing of the planetary web, and at the same time it is a part of the evolutionary plan and the providing of the opportunity whereby humanity may take its next step forward  The Hierarchy of Adepts has been divided in opinion (if so unsuitable a word can be applied to a group of souls and brothers who know no sense of separateness, but only differ over problems of "skill in actions" over the present world condition.  Some believe it to be premature and consequently undesirable and providing a difficult situation, whilst others take Their stand upon the basic soundness of humanity and regard the present crisis as inevitable and brought about by the developments in man himself:  They look upon the condition as educational and as constituting only a temporary problem which - as it is solved - will lead mankind on the way to a still more glorious future.  But there is, at the same time, no denying the fact that great and frequently devastating forces have been let loose upon the earth, and that the effect is a cause of grave concern to all the Masters, Their disciples and workers.

The difficulty can, in the main, be traced back to the over-stimulation and the undue strain placed upon the mechanism of the bodies, which the world of souls (in physical incarnation) have to employ as they seek to manifest on the physical plane and so respond to their environment.  The flow of energy, pouring through from the astral plane and (in a lesser degree) from the lower mental plane, is brought in contact with bodies that are unresponsive at first, and over-responsive later; it pours into brain cells which, from lack of use, are unaccustomed to the powerful rhythm imposed upon them; and humanity's equipment of knowledge if so poor that the majority have not sense enough to proceed with caution and to progress slowly.  Therefore, they are soon in danger and difficulty; their natures are often so impure or so selfish that the new powers which are beginning to make their presence felt, and so opening up new avenues of awareness and contact, are subordinated to purely selfish ends and prostituted to mundane objectives. The glimpses vouchsafed to the man of that which lies behind the veil are misinterpreted and the information gained is misused and distorted by wrong motives.  But whether a person is unintentionally a victim of force or brings himself in touch with it deliberately, he pays the price of is ignorance or temerity in the physical body, even though his soul may "go marching on."

It is of no use at this time to close one's eyes to the immediate problem or to endeavor to lay the blame for the sad failures, the occult wrecks, for the half-demented psychics, the hallucinated mystics and the feeble-minded dabblers in esotericism at the door of their own stupidity, or upon the backs of some teachers, groups or organizations.  Much blame can indeed be placed here and there, but it is the part of wisdom to face facts and to realize the cause of that which is everywhere transpiring and which can be stated as follows:

The cause of the growth of the lower psychism and of the increasing sensitivity of humanity, at this time is the sudden inflow of a new form of astral energy through the rent veil that has, until a short while ago, safeguarded the many.  Add to this the inadequacy of the mass of human vehicles to meet the newly imposed strain and some idea of the problem can be grasped.

Let it not be forgotten, however, that there is another side to the picture.  The inflow of this energy has brought many hundreds of people into a new and deeper spiritual realization; it has opened a door through which many will pass before long and take their second initiation, and it has let a flood of light into the world - a light which  will go on increasing for the next thirty years, bringing assurance of immortality and a fresh revelation of the divine potencies in the human being. Thus, in the New age dawning, Access to levels of inspiration, hitherto untouched, has been facilitated.  The stimulation of the higher faculties (and this on a large scale) is now possible, and the coordination of the personality with the soul and the right use of energy can go forward with renewed understanding and enterprise. Ever the race is to the strong, and always the many are called and the few chosen.  This is the occult law. 

We are now in a period of tremendous spiritual potency and of opportunity to all upon the probationary path and the path of discipleship.  It is the hour wherein a CLARION CALL GOES FORTH TO MAN to be of good cheer and of goodwill, for deliverance is on the way.  But it is also the hour of danger and of menace for the unwary and the unready, for the ambitious, the ignorant, and for these who selfishly seek the Way and who refuse to tread the path of service with pure motive.  Lest this widespread upheaval and consequent disaster to so many should seem to you unfair, let me remind you that this one life is but a second of time in the larger and wider existence of the soul, and that those who fail and are disrupted by  the impact of the powerful forces now flooding our earth will nevertheless have their vibration "stepped up" to better things along with the mass of those who achieve, even if their physical vehicles are destroyed in the process.  The destruction of the body is not the worst disaster that can overcome a man.

It is not my purpose to cover the whole ground possible in relation to the situation in the field of psychism caused by the inflow of astral energy at this time.  I seek to confine myself to the effect of this inflow on aspirants and sensitives.  These two words - aspirants and sensitives - are employed by me in this article to distinguish the awakened seeker after control and mastery from the lower type of psychic, who is controlled and mastered.  It is necessary here to remind you that psychism, so-called can be divided into the following two groups;

Higher Psychism                  Lower Psychism
Divine                                   Astral
Controlled                            Uncontrolled
Positive                                Negative
Intelligently applied             Automatic
Mediatorship                       Mediumship

This is a Period of Unprecedented Opportunity
There has never been a period in our planetary history in which opportunity has loomed so large or when so much spiritual light and force could be contacted and utiliized by humanity.  The first indication of the massed and available energy produced coordination of the New group of World Servers upon the physical plane.  The second indication produced a pronounced cleavage between the forces of evil and the Forces of Light; this cleavage resulted in the World War (1914-1945) and initiated the seething emotional and psychic turmoil in which humanity today finds itself.  The third indication was the release of atomic energy and the discovery of how to transmute energy into matter and matter into energy.  

The spiritual forces have , therefore, impersonally and with a "vivid directive of pure intent", penetrated from the highest point of spiritual purpose to the lowest aspect of matter, the atom; they have thus proved the truth of the statement  that matter is spirit at its lowest point and spirit is matter at its highest point, and that the apparent duality is but an essential unity.

A concentration of spiritual forces in and through the New Group of World Servers, the production of a world conflict with its disrupting and at the same time its unifying result, and the release of certain impressive energies in matter itself for the benefit of all created things on Earth - these are the immediate results of the pressure of these overshadowing spiritual resources. 

These forces have affected the spiritual and the humanitarian people of the world, blending them into one group upon the inner planes (even if this still remains outwardly unrealized), and have thus given a death blow to the great heresy of separateness.  This will later make itself invincibly apparent.  They brought pure evil to the surface in such a manner  that the issues between good and evil became apparent in a clearer light and the causes of human misery received fresh and keener recognition; the knowledge and the responsibility of mankind everywhere cannot now be denied.  They also made possible the use of energy locked up in substance itself; this, if rightly used, an and will completely alter and change man's attitude to life, his sense of values and his use of time.

All this has been brought about by what we might call with exactitude the first precipitation.  Its effects have been mass effects to a very large extent.  They have affected the spiritual workers and the men of goodwill, producing the purifying fires of pain and agony through the medium of war, and making available also the essence of the material world.  The second precipitation must e more consciously brought about by humanity itself, and it is to facilitate this that the new Invocation has been given and for this reason it must be widely distributed.

This precipitation is to be brought about by the gradual engendering of the divine idea in the human consciousness. Above everything else required at this time is a recognition of the world of meaning, a recognition of Those Who implement world affairs and Who engineer those steps which lead mankind onward towards its destined goal, plus a steadiyl increased recognition of the Plan on the part of the masses.  These three recognitions must be evidenced by humanity and affect human thinking and action if the total destruction of mankind is to be averted.  they must form the theme of all the propaganda work to be done during the next few decades - until the year 2015 - a bridg space of time indeed to produce fundamental changes in huan thought, awareness, and direction, but - at the same time - a quite possible achievement, provided the New Group of world Servers and the men and women of goodwill perform a conscientious task.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, pp 162-64)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

21-2014 -The Third Eye Chakra - Chakra Six, Volume 1, Lesson 10, 10/22/14

The Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye consists of  96 Petals, It connects to
the 5th Ray of Healing, Concentration & Consecration.
The Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary are on this Ray, as is
the All Seeing Eye, Cyclopea-Vista the Elohim

The Third Eye or Pineal Chakra is located between the eyebrows in  the 
center of the forehead.   
Note that the  Pineal is located in the center of the brain and 
"the eye part" is looking directly through the forehead.  This is
because the Third Eye used to be located physically between the eyebrows and
over time and neglect, has receded to its present position within the 
center of the brain.
The Pineal Gland

Indian Version of Third Eye

 Note:   The Indian Version of Third Eye Chakra is called Ajna and is
quite different - they show only two (2) petals rather than
96 but their interpretation is quite different - they see
this (EYE) as Two - one, the outer vision and two the
inner vision - the real world where Brahma and Sarivata dwell
the figure at the top represents both Shiva and Krishna - they in turn,
represent the Suns, and this chakra represents "light".

In the Advanced Class, I have given a Review already and so they are one lesson ahead of us.  I felt that we should finish with the Chakras before giving a review to those in the Beginning Class and so we will continue to examine and study the chakras.  Today, we are looking at the Pineal or Third Eye Chakra.  As we move away from the Heart and Throat Chakras we find that the Petals begin to increase alarmingly.  The reason for this is that most people are only working within the range of the heart and lower chakras - this having to do with the "material world" or things of this world.  Yet, there's another world that, although unseen to our physical eyes, is of much greater light and quite frankly beyond our highest dreams.  This world has been sealed off from mankind in general and frankly, mankind had everything to do with the veiling of the Great Mysteries - mainly because mankind got distracted eons ago and has forgotten his greater and Higher Self.  Today, we find ourselves searching lo here and lo there for all the answers, while we are carrying within us the Keys to the Kingdom of God.  Not only are we blind to the fact that we are Divine Sons and Daughters of the Most High God; but our physical bodies are the temples that contain His Triune Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power,  If we say that the Heart Chakra is the Engine of the Chakras where the "pulse of God" sustains us,the Third Eye Chakra is the Doorway into the Inner and Higher Realms.

It is more difficult to enter this Chakra as it demands that one concentrates and contemplates with the "inner eye".

Many people writing or talking about the Chakras have called this Chakra Indigo; but I have always seen Emerald Green like a christmas light bulb when its turned on - that shade of green electrified with electric light when in the process of healing someone.  I remember when my daughter fell from a balcony and broke here wrist when she was seven years old.  The orthopedic doctor who was working on her wrist was intently looking at the x-ray and then at the many tiny bones involved in the accident.  I heard her say to him distinctly:  "Doctor, you have a beautiful shade of green around you". and he said to her:  "Thank you, many children tell me that".  He was a true healer and was actually sitting within his healing aura while working on my daughter.  This Chakra is definitely Green.

Now, let's discuss the Third Eye Chakra.  We're aware  that this chakra is located in the middle of the forehead, between, and just above the eyebrows.  We've seen pictures of the "bump" or "bubble" on many of the statues especially those of the saints and buddhas  in the East.

We've even read the words of Christ when He said:  "become single-eyed and go within your closet". And anyone trying to become single-eyed becomes "cross-eyed" in the attempt to hold the concentration on the center of the forehead.
The two physical eyes coming together also bring the two lobes of the brain together and that "nugget" known as the pineal gland which is located dead center within the brain is then activated - or course, this activation occurs over a period of time.

The old saying "if you do not use it - you'll lose it" also applies to the Pineal Gland.  The Third Eye has been closed off for many eons because we, mankind found the things of this world more interesting than keeping the door  to the inner and higher realms open through this Chakra.  The pineal gland is most active when we're young and if not used (through meditation), will also become calcified  MRI's has shown people's pineal gland, shaped like a pine- cone covered in a milky looking substance (calcification) within it especially on the elderly; but on looking at the pineal gland of a elderly guru find that it is larger than normal and like the seven year old, is healthy.  So we could say, it pays to meditate.  It is also true that it is the pineal gland that connects to the autonomic nervous system which is still a mystery even to researchers - this nervous system beats the heart, blinks the eyes, pumps the blood throughout the body and is over all the sphincters both within the esophagus, arteries and veins, and throughout the alimentary canal.  It also produces Melatonin the new wonder drug for sleep, good health and staying young.  We must not forget that visualization is the most important part of meditation and both Einstein and Telsa said that what they imagined and concentrated upon would come into manifestation eventually.  This Chakra is the Chakra of visualization and imagination.  

The Scientific way we are taught to meditate is through visualization, concentration and contemplation - all connected directly to this Chakra. The Master directs us to concentrate high up in the  head once we've connected to the Third Eye Chakra - this is where you will eventually see the light of the Soul, if you are patient, loving and willing to sacrifice a portion of your life to "Group Service to the World" - this will eventually lead to "walking and talking with the Angels and Hierarchy".  As man is the mediator between the Three Higher Worlds and the Three Lower Worlds, he is the instrument that the Masters want to work with in initiating a greater portion of light into the World of Man and a greater understanding by man of the Will of God and His Plan.

Further, I would like to make you all aware that the  2nd Ray as well as the 5th and 6th Ray and their chakras are also involved in the opening of the Third Eye Chakras.  When we speak of the stream of light that continually flows from our Higher Selves or I AM  Presence, through our Holy Christ Selves or Atman Buddha and on down into our Crown Chakra (2nd Ray Chakra) on into our 5th Ray Chakra or Third-Eye Chakra and ending at the center of our physical life, the Heart Chakra (4th Ray ). This continual Cosmic Flow of light is coming into and through our physical bodies moment to moment even though we are mostly unconscious of this "gift of life".  But, as we become aware of and begin to develop our light bodies through initiations, devotions, meditation and service to life, the 6th Ray Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra begins to unfold its petals.  The more we meditate the more petals begin to unfold.  As there are ten petals to the Solar Plexus Chakra when we begin to unfold the "sixth petal", we are now moving into the opening of the higher chakras and most importantly the Third Eye Chakra.

As we've observed through our lessons from the Elohim and the Archangels to the Chohans of the Rays,  all of these great Beings agree that we need to consecrate our lives to devoting a certain amount of time each day (preferable in the early morning) to concentration through meditation.

Master Kuthumi tells us that we need to spend at least half and hour a day in meditation - Master Djwal Kjwal agrees and has set the meditation up so that it should be completed at the most within 15 to 25 minutes a day.  Jesus further explains that we need to go to the "font of God (our I AM Presence) to renew our spiritual energy in order to carry on the work of helping others - this is what the Master Jesus did every day.

The Elohim of Peace tells us that in order to find Peace, we need to meditate daily for He said that it does not matter how diligently we apply ourselves to service, doing mantras, prayer and devotion - if we do not have Peace as our sustainer, we will never make our Ascension as well as electrifying through the currants, the many brain cells that now lay dormant.

So how do we achieve the opening of the Third Eye as well as the opening of the Five Secret Chakras?

From everything I have read it all comes down to stilling the "little mind" and outer bodies.   In this stressful world, our bodies are bombarded with every type of energy - both good and bad, healthy and sick, and much that passes through the screen of our minds does not even come from us; but from someone else's thoughts. We are in a world whose population in many areas is very dense.  Therefore, we pick up the thoughts of the mass consciousness.

In order for us to stay in God Harmony with peace as our goal, we need to come apart and separate ourselves from the cacophony of noise and disharmony that abounds in every area of our space.

Find a corner of your room, a closet, make it a sacred center, place a spiritual image there or several images.  Have candles (pink = love, blue=power, yellow=wisdom) white = purity;   purple=compassion, mercy and freedom; green = healing; red or ruby= peace and harmony within self and upon the earth.
Dedicate this space to the "Great I AM" Father/Mother God - ask the Angels to come and be with you.  Set aside time to exercise your spiritual bodies. Tune in and meditate upon the Third eye - feel the pressure once you are in meditation of the Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakras.  This is an indication that you are exercising the pineal gland.  Always clear the Three Lower Bodies by doing the AUM or OM - First OM for the Mental body to clear the channel, Second OM to clear the channel and thin the emotional Body so that the I AM can reflect within it these channels need to be cleared both above and below the Emotional Body, Third OM Clears the Etheric Body and Protects the Physical Body clearing the channels all the way from the Physical/Etheric to the Emotional, to the Mental, to the Soul or Holy Christed Being, to the Higher Self or I AM Presence.

Master Kuthumi tells us to call upon the Flame of Wisdom, Illumination, Perception and Discrimination until you become that Flame.  Call to
Master Serapis Bey to release the Resurrection Flame so that it surrounds you.  Ask St. Germain to expand your own Three- Fold Flame within the Heart Chakra so that you become quickened in readiness for Ascension.

Master Djwal Kjwal had us do an exercise wherein we must pick an image, it could be our own Three-Fold Flame, The Twelve-Petaled Lotus, the Star of David, an image of our own Soul or Christed Being  within the Heart Chakra - now breathe deeply and rhymatically as you move deeper within your body vehicle.  The need now is to learn how to concentrate and hold sustained the above image for at least two minutes, without losing the image.  You will then begin to appreciate how difficult it is to hold your concentration on a particular object.  This is how our very planet was created, through a series of seven steps, but nothing would have been created unless visualization and concentration and consecrating towards accomplishing that  goal was continually adhered to with all the mind and heart.

This exercise has a goal which is to allow both lobes of the brain to come together, opening the pineal gland to the inflow of "light from the Soul".  The more we concentrate the more we make this a daily habit - a way of life - the more we will become filled with light within the head.  We will become at Peace and in God Harmony and at the same time begin to open the Third Eye and expand the consciousness, i.e. by expansion of consciousness I mean, looking beyond the liglht into the greater light.

Today the scientists talk about quantum physics and the "field" or reaching the field.  I would like you all to realize that by doing the above exercise on a daily basis you will be in the "field", which in fact, is the realization of the real self as well as the Soul within you is also within all your fellowmen - we are all One, we are all Sons and Daughters of the Most High God - and our goal is to enlighten and light up the world so that we can "walk and talk with God" once more. 
What is the field?  The field is a zone or plane that can be reached through meditation - the Master says that our goal is to reach the Buddhic Plane which is quite a ways above our heads, we cannot be lulled into believing that this Master or that Guru is telling you a prophesy - that is where many a student falls off the ladder on the Path.  When you feel yourself going down a side corridor instead of steadfastly concentrating on the image you have chosen, say the following mantra:

I am the Light of the Christ
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the
Golden Treasury of the Mind of Christ.

I AM  projecting my love out into the world,
To erase all errors,
And break down all barriers,
I AM the power of Infinite Love,
Magnifying itself until it is victorious,
World without end
I suggest that you memorize this prayer and any time you feel like you are
beginning to wander, just say it while visualizing that Lighted Christ Being that is the REAL YOU in the Zone coming towards you filling your entire head and being 
with light.
Mother Mary Archii on the 5th Ray

With Her Complement
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary are Twin Rays
Both are on the 5th Ray of Healing with Beloved Hilarion
and the Elohim Cyclopea (the All Seeing-Eye)

For over thirty years I have been an instrument of  healing with these Beloved Beings of Light - the Emerald Light of the 5th Ray.  We of ourselves do nothing, the Light of God through His Elohim Beloved Vista, and His Chohan, Beloved Hilarion (who was the Apostle St. Paul), The Master, Beloved Jesus, and His Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary have been healing this Planet the Earth.  Archangel Raphael spends much of his time just outside our Ring-Pass Not clearing the Astral Plane and Mother Mary has been everywhere upon Planet Earth through Her many appearances and at the present time She is still in Yugoslavia with the eight young people who have had the pleasure of Her company since the eighties.

A simple exercise to do when someone needs healing even though they are far away is  to first of all, say "According to their dharma and karma and God's Holy Will, may I have permission from their Higher Self to do this healing?  Await  the Answer from your own Higher Self.  If the answer is Yes, then visualize them laying on a bed - see Beloved Master Jesus at their head, Beloved Archangel Raphael on their left, Beloved Mother Mary on their Right and Beloved Hilarion at their Feet - Now see the All-Seeing Eye, Elohim Vista pouring His powerful Emerald Ray through Jesus, Raphael, Mary and Hilarion - now see  the Emerald Ray coming down through your Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra into the Heart Chakra - now raise your hands sending the Rays into the body of the one who is ill, seeing the Emerald Ray pouring through your heart into the fohats in the center of your hands and out into the inflicted one.  Hold the thought until you no longer see the Emerald light.

Now do you understand how important the Chakras are - I hope so, most people meditate upon themselves and that is good for them while they are learning to understand who they are and why they are here; but once one has made the connection with their own Higher Self and their Soul, then as a Child of Light, their whole being wants to give service to life. 
Speaking of Quantum Physics, if you make meditation your daily life, you'll find that one of the most difficult exercises is the sheer willpower it takes to concentrate without letting the "little mind wander" as it will readily do without any warning.  By daily application, you will eventually make the quantum leap into the "field, where one become omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.

End of Lesson 10, Volume 1  10/23/14

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Now that you've had a chance to review what we've learned so far, and had a week off to refresh the mind and clear away old patterns, it's now time to become serious and make a conscious decision to make time for your meditation - you've had over a week to prepare a place where you can go and be with your Higher Self, without interruption or distractions - so let us begin.

Before the review, we explored the Four Lower Bodies - Mental, Emotional, Etheric and Physical in that order.  We will also want to reconnect to the Soul in the same manner.

The one comment I would make before resuming our studies is concerning the Physical Body.  Not only is our physical body a receiver of various ideas, energies and information, it is also the receiver of the misuse of the other three bodies - let me give you an example:
  Mental Body - if you dislike someone and think of ways to hurt them - plan through your mental body on ideas on how to make them suffer or embarrass them in front of others, this very act will boomerang back at you and manifest as dis-ease, within your own physical body.  This is why it is said: "Thoughts are real".

Emotional Body - if you feel hatred for someone to the point that you become nauseous and want to "strike out" at them - You are allowing your emotions to rule your good sense to the point that you will have trouble with the Chakra within range of the Emotional Body, the Solar Plexus Chakra which is the center for,  the esophagus, stomach, spleen, pancreas and gall bladder - one of these organs will be affected by your "spleen"  or (anger).

Etheric Body - if you are in contact with someone from your past life and immediately feel fear, hatred, anxiety, or any unpleasantness when in their presence, more than likely they are setting off the old "wounds and scars" from your former lives as a soul memory.  Rather than let it fester within you, forgive them and do the violet flame for that the etheric body i.e. "My Etheric Body is a Body of Violet Fire, My Etheric Body is the purity God desires" 15x's daily and see this old wound or scar completely dissolve with the power of the "love of God" erasing the cause, effect, record and memory of this past life wound forever.

Physical Body - Sometimes you feel like you are going to get physical with someone because you do not like them, this body is the receiver of all the above misuse and you need to do the mantra for the Physical Body just like the above example with the Etheric Body, this will stop the disease (which is out of harmony with the Universe) and will heal you not only physically but in all your other bodies.

Whenever you look at anyone, I don't care who it is, with the idea of "you and them" or "them against you" you are continuing to foster separateness which is why we're so far removed from our "Soul or Christed Selves" at the present time.  So part of your meditation practice will be a "review" of your actions on a daily basis, just before bed is the best time,  See how many times during the day you are doing the "them and me" or "I'm more important, more confident, more intelligent than they are" - it takes five minutes but you can begin right away changing your life for the better and reconnecting at the physical level with all souls who are our brothers.  Not only do you have to reconnect with your own soul but once upon the "path of Attainment", all souls are One Soul, One Son of God, all working out the Plan of the Father here on Earth - the more people who realize how right this Plan is, the faster the light will spread around the World until all mankind are one light, one son, awaiting the Reappearance of the Christ*, Who will return when there is enough of mankind at Peace throughout the World.
* Christ could be Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Lord Maitrya, Zarathurtra and many others who have come to Earth to teach us "the Way, the Truth and the Light".

You may ask:  "What about the criminal, the bigot, the racist, the murderer"?  And I say "There but for the Grace of God go I".  They are still young souls who are still in the lower reptilian consciousness and the "I" consciousness and have not been on the wheel of karma very long.  The best thing we can do for any soul is to pray for them and ask that they be taken to the temples of learning during their sleep so that they can begin to awaken into their expanded consciousness, for they are as Jesus described them when He said:  "Let the dead bury the dead" - they have not awakened to their spiritual selves and like the "cave man" want to club  their way through life.

Meditating with spine erect, legs crossed. Please note-
For those of you with back problems, sitting upright in a
chair with feet crossed at ankles in a relaxed position is
perfectly fine.

To begin meditating, pick a time of day (preferable early in the morning)

when you will be rested and the mind is at ease.  Try and make it a habit

to be in meditation at the same time each and every day - there is a reason 

for this, you will be steadily building a "light center" within the area that you pick

for meditating.  

Warning:  there are many who claim that "this master or that has given them a message" - the message is usually dire, with disaster lurking around the bend" - please realize that you are working scientifically with a formula for contacting your soul and the precise goal is to align the four lower bodies with the soul.  This process takes a number of years of dedication and sacrifice of time but in the end, you have expanded your consciousness to the point where the lower concrete mind no longer is in control.  If you are a serious student and want to advance up the ladder of light into the realm of the Masters; then you must take one step at a time, allowing only 15 to 25 minutes a day for meditation and at least one half hour a day studying the works like "The Secret Doctrine I and II" or any of the Tibetan's books by Alice Bailey - there are about 30 in all but in the A.A. Bailey books, the Master Dwal Kjwal is in charge of meditation and the expansion of consciousness so you will be actually working directly with this Master's works Who gave us this very instruction; and don't forget to do the "review of your negative thoughts" before going to sleep every night - this is  the formula - this is the regimen that will bring the Soul and three lower bodies into alignment, if done with love, dedication and a willingness to serve all of mankind.

These instructions are taken from several of the Tibetan's Books, i.e.
Discipleship in the New Age I & II; Esoteric Psychology I; The Rays and Initiations 

In order for us to stay in God Harmony with peace as our goal, we need to come apart and separate ourselves from the cacophony of noise and disharmony that abounds in every area of our space.

Find a corner of your room, a closet, make it a sacred center, place a spiritual image there or several images.  Have candles (pink = love, blue=power, yellow=wisdom) white = purity;   purple=compassion, mercy and freedom; green = healing; red or ruby= peace and harmony within self and upon the earth.
Dedicate this space to the "Great I AM" Father/Mother God - ask the Angels to come and be with you.  Set aside time to exercise your spiritual bodies. Tune in and meditate upon the Third eye - feel the pressure once you are in meditation of the Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakras.  This is an indication that you are exercising the pineal gland.  Always clear the Three Lower Bodies by doing the AUM or OM - First OM for the Mental body to clear the channel, Second OM to clear the channel and thin the emotional Body so that the I AM can reflect within it these channels need to be cleared both above and below the Emotional Body, Third OM Clears the Etheric Body and Protects the Physical Body clearing the channels all the way from the Physical/Etheric to the Emotional, to the Mental, to the Soul or Holy Christed Being, to the Higher Self or I AM Presence.

Master Kuthumi tells us to call upon the Flame of Wisdom, Illumination, Perception and Discrimination until you become that Flame. (2nd Ray)

Master Kuthumi
Master Kuthumi was Chohan of 2nd Ray
and in the mid-fifties was raised to World Teacher
He and the Master El Morya were working with Madame H.P

Call to Master Serapis Bey to release the Resurrection Flame so that it surrounds you.  Ask St. Germain to expand your own Three- Fold Flame within the Heart Chakra so that you become quickened in readiness for Ascension.

Master Serapis Bey
Master Serapis Bey Chohan of 4th Ray 

Master Djwal Kjwal had us do an exercise wherein we must pick an image, it could be our own Three-Fold Flame, The Twelve-Petaled Lotus, the Star of David, an image of our own Soul or Christed Being  within the Heart Chakra - now breathe deeply and rhymatically as you move deeper within your body vehicle.  The need now is to learn how to concentrate and hold sustained the above image for at least two minutes, without losing the image.  You will then begin to appreciate how difficult it is to hold your concentration on a particular object.  This is how our very planet was created, through a series of seven steps, but nothing would have been created unless visualization and concentration and consecrating towards accomplishing that  goal was continually adhered to with all the mind and heart.

Master Djwal Kjwal

Master D.K. was the author of thirty books under
the "Tibetan" by A.A. Bailey

This exercise has a goal which is to allow both lobes of the brain to come together, opening the pineal gland to the inflow of "light from the Soul".  The more we concentrate the more we make this a daily habit - a way of life - the more we will become filled with light within the head.  We will become at Peace and in God Harmony and at the same time begin to open the Third Eye and expand the consciousness, i.e. by expansion of consciousness I mean, looking beyond the liglht into the greater light.

Today the scientists talk about quantum physics and the "field" or reaching the field.  I would like you all to realize that by doing the above exercise on a daily basis you will be in the "field", which in fact, is the realization of the real self as well as the Soul within you is also within all your fellowmen - we are all One, we are all Sons and Daughters of the Most High God - and our goal is to enlighten and light up the world so that we can "walk and talk with God" once more. 
What is the field?  The field is a zone or plane that can be reached through meditation - the Master says that our goal is to reach the Buddhic Plane which is quite a ways above our heads, we cannot be lulled into believing that this Master or that Guru is telling you a prophesy - that is where many a student falls off the ladder on the Path.  When you feel yourself going down a side corridor instead of steadfastly concentrating on the image you have chosen, say the following mantra..


Raise the consciousness into the head to the etheric center between the eyebrows and then do the  "seed thought" for 5 to 10 minutes but not
more than 10 minutes.  Seek to expand your understanding of the seed thought according to the values and wisdom of the Higher consciousness which is the Soul, the First Master in the Heart.  
Seed Thought
I AM the light of the Christ
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the Golden Treasury
of the Mind of Christ.

I AM projecting my love out into the World,
To erase all errors, break down all barriers,
I AM the power of infinite Love, 
Magnifying itself until it is victorious
World without end.

I suggest that you memorize this prayer and any time you feel like you are
beginning to wander, just say it while visualizing that Lighted Christ Being that is the REAL YOU in the Zone coming towards you filling your entire head and
being with light.

Imagine your Soul with all the World Servitors around the World, sending the Christ love out into the World, especially the three lower kingdoms, i.e., the Animal, Plant and Elemental kingdoms.  Now send a beam of light up into Hierarachy, the Center of Love, the Christ, and on to the Great Ashrum of Sanat Kumara, and on into Shamballa where the Will of God is working out.

Now visualize the All Seeing Eye of God (as the Mind of God in the following invocation) streaming forth light from His Mind. 
    Say the Great Invocation, seeing the energies of Light, Love and Power
awakening the Higher Consciousness of humanity as a whole.


From the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men -
Let Light descend on Earth

All Seeing Eye of God

 Using your imagination, see this Eye Streaming light into the Minds of Men

From the Point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Light stream forth into the hearts of men -
May Christ return to earth.

Causal Heart of God

Using your imagination, see this Causal Heart of God
Streaming Love into the Hearts of all Mankind

From the center where the Will of God is Known,
Let purpose guide the little wills of men -
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the Race of Men,
Let the Plan of Light and Love work out and may it
Seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth!

Closing the Meditation

Close the Meditation by sounding the OM three (3) times; imagining as you do that you are breathing forth energy through the group and out into the world to strengthen the New Group of World Servers in every country as they work towards establishing right human relations.

End of Lesson  11, Meditation, Vol.1,  10/21/14