Tuesday, August 7, 2018

101-Lesson 21- Continued Studies on The Resurrection & Transfiguration of Jesus -8/6/18

Christian doctrine shows the doctrine of the resurrection of the death of Jesus Christ was prompted by the belief among some of the Corinthians that the resurrection of the body was impossible, though apparently they did not deny the resurrection of Jesus the Christ.  Paul takes up the issue by listing the divinely appointed witnesses to the resurrection.  He develops its significance as revealing God's plan to raise the dead.  This belief has been a basic Christian incentive.  It encourages the apostles in the race of the hardships of their ministry, and has even occasioned  the practice in Corinth of baptism on behalf of the dead.  Those who reject the doctrine of resurrection because of the fact of bodily corruption fail to understand the mystery of God's creative activity which provides the kind of body suited to the new life after death.  The risen body of man will be a body so changed by  the power of God as to be immortal. Christ died for our sins, which is the cause of man's death.  He rose from the dead to be the cause of man's resurrection.

Today, this doesn't seem so farfetched.  We hear of those mystical monks from Tibet who can appear inside locked rooms to someone as far away as New York City; according to their doctrine and history.  Jesus visited the Tibetan monasteries and even left writings there.  He's known as Ises in Ledak, Ley, Tibet.  According to the Lamas, Jesus studied with these monks and also spent years in Egypt and India, where He was trained  by the "Secret Brotherhood".

The Essenes were a branch of Judaism that broke away and moved to a remote part of the desert bordering Jordan.  They believed that the Messiah was coming and they wanted to devote their lives to prepare for His coming.  According to the doctrines ( from the Vatican) of the Essenes, Jesus taught such revelations as reincarnation, various forms of healing, equality of women and men as just a few of His teachings.  Interestingly, both the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the Essence books tell of a Teacher of Righteousness and a Teacher of Light.  Many believed that the Teacher of Righteousness was John the Baptist

John the Baptist - Baptizing Jesus

 And the Teacher of Light was Jesus the Christ.  Hierarchy claim that the Teacher of Righteousness was Lord Maitrya, 
Lord Maitrya

Who according to the ancient scrolls overshadowed Jesus from the time of His Transfiguration until His death and Resurrection.

Jesus The Christ

The Tibetans monks doctrine claim Jesus as the greatest Master that has ever come to Earth, even more than Buddha, whom  they  recognize as their teacher. 

Gautama  the  Buddha
 The reason being is that Jesus is the only living being that has ever physically resurrected His body using the Atman Buddha Vehicle (or Soul, Holy Christ Self)

The Atman Buddha or Holy Christ Self
The Soul
 through transfiguration which allowed His body to be filled with the Christ Light - enough so that He could raise the Kundalini Energy (known to us as the White Cube in the Bible) at the base of the spine, 

The Kundalini or White Cube
Located at Base of Spine

which in  turn, connected with the "Triune Flames" within the Heart Chakra 

Triune Flames

The Two Serpents Rising From the
Kundalini to Pass through All Chakras until they
Reach the Heart Chakra, They
Ignite the Yellow Resurrection Flame that
Catapults the Serpent Energy through
the Crown Chakra - this is
the Process of Transfiguration and Resurrection
This is also used as the Symbol of
Medicine as one has to become
a Mahatma (Great Soul, or Christed Being) in
Order to Heal at all levels of being. MF

Once Jesus activated the Kundalini Twin Serpents, they moved up the spinal cord to the Heart Chakra, here the Yellow Flame (also known as the Resurrection Flame) catapults the Kundalini Energy through His Crown Chakra into the Resurrection of His Four Lower Vehicles.
 (Note: when Mary Madelene was standing
in front of the tomb, and met with Jesus, He was standing
enfolded in the Resurrection Flame - this is why His words
are so important when He addressed Mary "Do not touch me as I have not yet Ascended to the Father".   We also find
this same flame with the Ark of the Covenant  wherein no one could touch the Ark except for Moses and his Brother Aaron, Moses was positive and Aaron was negative and therefore neutralized the Electrical Charge that occurs
when the Resurrection Flame is ignited.  The only other
one who could touch the Ark of the Covenant was King
David, when he threw himself upon the Ark, while asking forgiveness for his sins; because he spent the entire time while writing the Psalms within the "Star of David" which encloses the Holy Christ Self within its dual triangles he
had reached the "Great Soul or Mahatma" stage in his path of initiation. 

The Star of David
Symbol of 
"As Above So Below"
God Reaching Man, Man Reaching God

Negative Aspects of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

During the historical period when Jesus walked the Earth;  the Romans had invaded and conquered much of Europe and the Middle East.  Part of their punishment for any crime committed against  their policies was crucifixion.

Crucifixion was a very common practice at that time.  There were many who claimed to be the Messiahs" coming and going for several generations before Jesus of the bible appeared on the scene.  In fact, Jesus was not living in the area of His birth for most of His life.  Joseph of Arimathea, His uncle had a fleet of ships and Jesus also sailed with him from time to time once He returned to His land of birth.  Our Jesus taught His parables to a small group of followers.  When He began His public life, He set out on foot and trod the by-ways of Galilee, Bethany and Judea with His small band of followers.

See on Map the Path that Jesus
Chose during his Three Years of Public Life.
Galilee, Bethany and Judea was the
Circle He navigated on foot.
Galilee was close to Nazareth and Mt. Carmel
Where His branch of the Essenes existed.
Judea was in the Middle close to where His
Uncle, Joseph of Arimathea lived and of Course, Bethany was Next to Jerusalem and Qumran, which is where
the other Sect of the Essenes lived near the Dead
Sea and bordering Jordan; and where His
Cousin, John the Baptist lived.

Although the bible makes very light of the "Holy Women", He didn't.  He had female disciples along with the male.

The Holy Women
Disciples of Jesus
Some among them were - 3 Mary's Mary Madelene, Veronica (who wiped the face of Jesus) Martha and Mary, two sisters who
lived in Bethany - Martha was jealous because Mary
seemed to get all the attention until Jesus corrected her
and explained that while Mary listened, Martha provided
food and lodging for Jesus and His followers.

Yet, there was nothing remarkable about His life and teachings that would make him a World Teacher at His death and resurrection.  Even His own followers according to Paul  the Apostle, had a difficult time convincing people that Jesus was born to a virgin, (which really was Armenian for marriageable but translated into Greek as virgin).  Yet, this was not uncommon for many saints were also born of virgins, i.e., Isis virgin mother of Horus, Gautama was supposed to be born of a virgin as were many others.  The hardest document for new-comers to swallow was the idea that anyone could "resurrect themselves" one day and forty days later lift off into the far blue yonder.  Jesus, Himself, never claimed to be perfect.  Whenever anyone would ask Him if He was God, He would answer I am a Son of Man, you must only give praise to God.

So the mystery lies  hidden all these centuries, from the Essenes to those who hid in the Catacombs and those who took refuge among the Gnostics.  Even then they were hunted down and many were killed for their belief.  

It was not until A.D. 300 that Jesus and His followers came into the spotlight — in other words they went from a group known as a "cult" to the "new Christianity". It all happened when the Emperor Constantine's mother, at that time converted to Christianity ( a fairly new term) as they were considered a cult group of Jews for many years.  It was  this woman who led a crusade into Jerusalem to find remnants of the Messiah.  She visited various sites and was told by whom, we have no idea, because most of Jesus' follows had gone to other countries and hidden among the Gnostics by this time — yet, she was led to believe that He was born in a certain place, lived in another place and she even brought back what she believed to be part of the tree that Jesus was crucified upon.  It was upon her return that Constantine became interested in all that she had gleaned.  He had been caught up in the worship of the Sun God religion and upon hearing about this cultist group led by a Messiah, that he decided to adopt this so-called religion as his own; but would change it here and there to suit his own particular philosophy.  He combined the Sun worship which included the Christmas tree, Sunday, instead of Saturday as a day of rest, the burning of a candle continuously that would represent the presence of God or the Sun as fire, upon the altar, a practice even today in the Catholic church, where the candle is lit twenty four hours a day every single day. To ensure that the many stragglers who followed the teachings of Jesus would come out of hiding and bring with them all the teachings both written and oral that were connected with Jesus - He called for a conclave of representatives of the new religion to meet with Him and they would put together everything that was written about Jesus and His followers in a book.   This book would then be"THE BOOK"or Bible comprising both the teaching of the Old Testament as well as the New Religion - this conclave was known as "The Nicaea Council".  (NOTE:  This Nicaean Council comprised of Bishops of the New Religion went on for many months - Many of the Books of Both the Gnostics and the Essenes were thrown out, as Constantine wanted Jesus to be the "only begotten son of God", which is not what Jesus preached as He so often declared, "everything that I do you shall do also and even better that I" and "I go to the Father where I will sit by His Right Hand and prepare a place for each of you".  He saw us as totally equal to Himself only farther done the rungs of the Ladder of Jacob, in other words, not so far along the Path of Initiation.


From Wikipedia

Constantine's conversion, as imagined by Rubens.
It is possible (but not certain) that Constantine's mother, Helena, exposed him to Christianity; in any case he only declared himself a Christian after issuing the Edict of Milan.[9][10] Writing to Christians, Constantine made clear that he believed that he owed his successes to the protection of that High God alone.[11]

Battle of Milvian Bridge[edit]

Eusebius of Caesarea and other Christian sources record that Constantine experienced a dramatic event in 312 at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, after which Constantine claimed the emperorship in the West. According to these sources, Constantine looked up to the sun before the battle and saw a cross of light above it, and with it the Greek words "Ἐν Τούτῳ Νίκα" (in this sign, conquer), often rendered in a Latin version, "in hoc signo vinces" (in this sign, you will conquer). Constantine commanded his troops to adorn their shields with a Christian symbol (the Chi-Rho), and thereafter they were victorious.[2][12]
Following the battle, the new emperor ignored the altars to the gods prepared on the Capitoline and did not carry out the customary sacrifices to celebrate a general's victorious entry into Rome, instead heading directly to the imperial palace.[11] Most influential people in the empire, however, especially high military officials, had not been converted to Christianity and still participated in the traditional religions of Rome; Constantine's rule exhibited at least a willingness to appease these factions. The Roman coins minted up to eight years after the battle still bore the images of Roman gods.[2] The monuments he first commissioned, such as the Arch of Constantine, contained no reference to Christianity.[11][13]

Remember, the bishops who along with their followers had been persecuted for over 250 years by these same Emperors; and so they proceeded with caution and willingly threw away much of what Jesus had taught.  So, anything that did not comply with what Constantine had in mind for his new religion was thrown out, including some of the most relevant books of the bible.  He discarded reincarnation, even though it was taught by Jesus and was referred to when Jesus' apostles asked Him about the Prophet Elijah in reference to John the Baptist.  They are referring to Malachi 3 4 wherein Malachi is told that Elijah will reappear among mankind again:
= Matthew 11:7–14 declares, “Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: ‘What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings’ palaces. Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.” I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.” Here Jesus quotes from Malachi 3:1, where the messenger appears to be a prophetic figure who is going to appear. According to Malachi 4:5, this messenger is “the prophet Elijah,” whom Jesus identifies as John the Baptist. This means that John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated? 
Constantine threw out any references to reincarnation, especially the books of the Essenes and the great Essene writer Origen, whose books were burned in the Great Library of Caesarea of Alexandria.  Constantine philosophy was do not give people too much time to decide to get to heaven, give them only one lifetime and most likely they'd get their act together.  Origen was the most noted Essene writer of the day, and much of what he had written came from Joseph of Arimathea and the apostles.  Hardly any of these writings were used.  Much of Origen's writings were lost in the fire of Alexandria.  The writings of Mother Mary and Mary Madelene were also discarded.  In fact, women were at the bottom of priorities as far as Constantine was concerned.  Therefore, everything concerning the women was discarded including the fact that many were apostles and disciples. This same prejudice against women as partakers in preaching within the original Church still holds true today.   Mary Magdelene was written up as a whore and prostitute when in reality she was a high ranking apostle  who was favored by Jesus.  In fact, there was great jealousy about Jesus favoring Mary above even the Apostle Peter. 

In the painting "The Last Supper" painted by Leonardo de Vinci,
Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper
Please note, the figure on the left of Jesus
is supposed to be Mary Magdelene

He places Mary Madelene in the center and to the Left of Jesus - it is thought by many Europeans that Mary came to France with Joseph of Arimathea and that she had been married to Jesus - and that Rabbinical Law required all Rabbi's to be married; and that she carried Jesus' child who is depicted in many churches along the roads of Provence with her daughter Sarah (who is believed to be the Holy Grail of King Arthur's Legends) — it is believed  that Mary Madelene has more influence on women than Mother Mary in France as well as England, as they also believe that Joseph of Arimathea, brought both Mary the Mother of Jesus and Mary Madelene to what is now known as Glastonbury where "Mary's Chapel still resides at the base of the destroyed Cathedral as well as the "healing well"and Michael's Tower all part of the land that once was known as King Arthur's Camelot".
There  are whole areas in England and along the Provincial Mediterranean that believe Mary Magdelene arrived in France with her daughter Sarah on Joseph of Arimathea's ship.   Both the Carthers' and the Knight Templars claimed to protect a secret that was contained within a casket  A witness to this was said to have seen a child's skull enclosed within the casket. This child was supposed to be Jesus and Mary Maagdelene's daughter, Sarah. Many churches along the coast of France have statues of Mary and her daughter.
Constantine didn't want any one to know that Jesus was human and made him into "the only begotton son of God".  Even Jesus said to his disciples and apostles "Know you that you are sons and daughters of the most high God?"  Moses told you and I verify this fact".

The fact still remains, that two thousand years ago there was a new type of religion that was known as a cult.  The leader of this cult was upsetting the status quo and the Rabbi's decided to do something about it, before the leader, Jesus, usurped their livelhood and took all their followers away from them.  This young man who lived thirty of His thirty three years abroad, certainly did some moving and shaking during His "three-years" of public life - enough that He caught the mind and heart of an Emperor, who elevated this small religious sect into a world-wide Christian faith.
End of Lesson