Thursday, February 22, 2018

91-2018 -LESSON THIRTEEN - Manifestations of Life Rhythms Continued 2/21/18

We have been paying close attention to how the Tide of Forces even moves our  Monads (see below) sweeping them along, causing what is called the "force of evolution".
This is Our Monad or
Higher Self
It Resides Approximately 38,000 Feet Above Our Heads

So, our Higher Selves are swept along even from one Universe to Another.  
Now that we have a better understanding of the ebb and flow of energy throughout the Universe, as well as, throughout our Four Lower Bodies we will begin to learn
more about "The Law of Cause and Effect"

The Future Effects of Karma

Since the early 40's and 50s we've heard about the teachings of the East concerning "Cause and Effect" and/or Karma and Dhama.  You'll hear people say very casually, "Well, that's my Karma!" Let's hear what Master Djwal Khul teaches in regards to the "Law of Cause and Effect":

(1) The karma of form is a vast subject too involved for average comprehension; but a factor of real importance which should not be overlooked in connection with the evolution of a world, a synthesis or worlds, or of a system, when viewed from higher levels.  Everything is, in its totality, the result of action taken by cosmic Essences and Entities in earlier solar systems, which is working out through the individual atoms and through those congeries of atoms which we call forms.

Our Solar System With Our Physical
Sun At the Center

Here, we immediately realize that the Master is telling us that karma is the result of action taken by "cosmic Essences and Entities in earlier solar systems".  Remember that the Ancient of Days told us in earlier lessons that everything that makes up our Universe as well as our planet came from an earlier Manvantara (billions of years in a former chain). 

Division of Time by Kalpas

 Therefore, after billions of years of rest, our Father/Mother God awakens once again and the Active Principle, or Father States: "Let There Be Light!" As soon as these words were spoken over 4.5 Billion Years ago, all life awakened to begin the New Manvantara of billions of years - metered out in a series of Yugs, each one connected to the Energy Forces that through their spirals swept everything before them.  At the beginning, The Father/Mother called forth great Beings or Essences from the last Manvantara, for instance, Alpha and Omega came as well as Helios and Vesta, they worked directly under the Father/Mother in forming the Great Central Sun home of Alpha and Omega; and the Sun of our System, home of Helios and Vesta.  The Seven Holy Kumaras, the First Sons of God also showed up.   Even the Elohim were called forth from the last Manvanatara to begin building each planet in our Solar System, along with the Goddess of Spring with Her Elementals who completed each planet after it was constructed by the Elohim, it took 950 years to complete our planet - in its original pristine state, thanks to the Goddess of Spring, the Elementals and Angel Devas.

Breakdown of the Yugas
The reason I am giving such detail to this first paragraph, is that like our Etheric Body that arrives with us at birth and leaves with our Soul when we have completed our life's work in any incarnation;  the same occurs on a much grander scale, as the New Manvantara begins. Everything that's left over from  the old universe and solar systems will be brought forth into the New Manvantara.
Wikipedia Explanation of a Mavantara and its Kalpa's of Yugs: . .. .(mf)

Kalpa (aeon) - Wikipedia

Each kalpa is divided into 14 manvantara periods, each lasting 71 yuga cycles (306,720,000 years). Preceding the first and following each manvatara period is a juncture (sandhya) the length of a Satya-yuga (1,728,000) years.

(2) The Law of karma is the most stupendous law of the system, and one which it is impossible for the average man in any way to comprehend,for,  if traced back along its central root and its many ramifications, one eventually reaches the position causes antedating the solar system, have to be dealt with, and this point of view can only be usefully grasped by a high initiate.

We are but seeking to emphasize the fact of the inter-dependence of all atoms and forms, to lay stress upon the reality of the variety of influences which play upon all that is manifesting, and to call attention to the fact of the dharma of the past aeons.  Kalpas, and that unknowable period in which the initiatory impulses were set up which are still persisting, and which God, man, and atoms, are still working out and off.  Influence of vibrations, calling forth response, play upon every form that they tend to develop consciousness, of some kind, impose certain rhythms according to that conscious response, and produce aggregate or group activity.

Again, the Master emphasizes that if you go all the way back to the previous Manvantara, antedating our solar system would be where we would deal with those great souls or Entities who set up the forces that to the present time and beyond are the reality of influences which play upon all that is manifesting (right now) and all the aeons since where dhama has worked out (again forcing the evolution of a solar system, universe, planet, mankind and all life that exists in all dimensions during this period). 

Working Out Through Dhama Our Evolutionary Journey

Notice that He mentions that we are still working out our 
dhama along with God, man and all the atoms that the forces of evolutionary spiral energy play upon every form, and its always according to the individual's conscious response and group activity this moves us from the animal world into the world of man and finally evolving into the world of spirit - in other words, our path and/or journey back to God!.  (Remember, it is the God (Monad, or Higher Self within each of us that responds first, then relays the energy to the Solar Angel and finally, it filters down, down, and down again into our Physical world).  I would also like to mention here that up until the 19th Century, the Hierarchy was working only with individuals.  Around the early  1900's, they decided to try working with groups such as the I AM Group, Theosophy, Alice Bailey's Arcane.    School.  They realized immediately that working under group energy rather than individuals generated a tremendous amout of energy and the students evolved at a much quicker rate than working with the individual. - mf

The liberation from karma about which would-be occult students so glibly talk, is after all but the freeing of the atom from its own personal problem, and its conscious acquiescence in group response and work . . . Man is no longer the slave of the rhythm of matter per se, but controls it in the three worlds of his endeavor; he is still nevertheless controlled by the group karma of the planaetary center by its influence, life, and vibratory impulse.  The same can be predicated of a Heavenly Man, and of a Solar Logos.

But the freeing of the atom sounds quite simple; yet it takes us lifetime after lifetime to free  ourselves from our own misdeeds, what does it say in the bible "Evey jot and tiddle" must be paid back, and believe me, evey jot and tiddle will have to be worked out, removed, and the soul redeemed, over a period of many lifetimes until the physical body becomes the fiery body of spirit - and yet, we are still tied to the vibrations and karma of the planet - even the Heavenly Man and the Solar Logos are still caught up in the planetary center.  What does this mean?  Well, once we free ourselves, we realize that there are all those souls who are still struggling, still enmeshed in their own karma; and because we are Sons and Daughters of the most High God; we cannot abandon them; and so we stay and cope amidst the lower vibrations of the planet - even  those who have reached the Highest Point choose to stay rather than take their Ascension and move on; they cannot abandon their fellow men.  Now, when it comes to the Planetary Logos, we're looking at our Beloved Sanat Kumara, He volunteered millions of years ago to actually come back into our planet and take up residence over the Gobi Desert, in order to save the people of Earth and their Planet, that would have been destroyed by order from the Sacred Council.  He stayed and stayed until the late 1950's when He was ordered by Alpha and Omega to return to His own planet, Venus.  It was during his transition that Gautama the Buddha volunteered to take up Sanat Kumara's responsibilities as Planetary Logi at that time. - mf

When a man speaks of karma, he is dealing with something much wider than the interplay of effect and cause within the sphere of his own individual routine.  He is, in all things governed by causes originating in the aggregate of lives which form his egoic group, by the aggregate of groups which form one petal in a center of a Heavenly Man, by force or purpose circulating through a triangle of centers, and by the life energy, or purposeful will, of the planetary Logos Himself. Finally he is governed by the will of the Solar Logos as it demonstrates itelf in initiatory activity.  Beyond this we need hardly go; but enough has been said to show that every human atom is under the dominion of force outside his own consciousness, which sweep him and others into situations from which there is no escape, and which are to him, incomprehensible.

Okay! So, it's much more complicated than say, our karma and dhama because while we're thinking we're getting rid of our karma, we forget that we're all in this together, by that I mean, we all belong to certain groups that we're drawn to  either by relationship and/or by friendship - even our enemies are part of  this egoic group; but all of us can look around and know that there are certain people that we want to be with, need to be with and some, who we'd like never to have to associate with; but are forced to come together, whether instantly or through marriage, family or acquaintance -all will have to be dealt with in order to work out our karma with them.  This is where the forces beyond our knowledge come into play  - it is through their initiation that are set up for us, that we are forced to face whoever comes into our life at certain times, in order to deal with a past-life conflict that now needs to be faced and dealt with.  I might add here, that once one has chosen to step upon the Path of Iintiation and who has made the decision to follow that path until he is finally free of his karma; these initiations, challenges, become great initiations that will drop into ones awareness every so often during one lifetime.  (More trauma, trials and great tragedies occur to one who is on the Path of Return, than the normal human being who chooses to follow the status quo).  At some point along the Path, even  the Solar Logos becomes involved in order for that soul to pass all of his returning karma. mf

Nevertheless, within limits, man does definitely "control his destiny", and can initiate action which produces effects recognizable by him as being dependent upon his activity along a particular line.  he does,on a miniature scale, repeat the procedure of the Logos on a vaster scale, and thus is the  arbiter of his own destiny, the producer of his own drama, the architect of his own home, and the initiator of his own affairs.  Though he may be the meeting place of forces outside his control, yet he can utilize force, circumstance and environment, and can turn them, if he so will, to his own ends.

Again, we're hearing the Master acknowledge that to a certain extent we're masters of our own destiny.  in other words, we can choose to either clean up our act by doing good service; by picking our friends - ones that will keep us upon the right path, and by giving of our talents, whatever they may be, to help to lift others from falling by the wayside.  But, we cannot predict or dictate the day or the hour when our karma will return - for only the one chosen to initiate us, can measure our strengths and weaknesses; and can determine when we are strong enough, and have moved along the path to the degree where we can handle the sudden adversity, challenge, life-changing karma that will fall upon our shoulders without any warning.  This we cannot control; but we should have the inner strength, knowledge and ability to overcome whatever is being dropped into our world at that particular time.  
He also mentions how we can overcome our returning karma - by utilizing that energy or force that is circulating around us - through our own initiative, the very circumstances we find ourselves now entering, and especially our environment for within all of these is the energy necessary for us to overcome, turn things around and meet the challenges face to face. mf

...When the will and purpose of the Ego are realized by man in his waking consciousness in the physical brain, then the law of karma in the three worlds is neutralized and man is on the verge of liberation. He has exhausted the initial vibration, and there is no response within his sheaths to the threefold vibration of three worlds:  he stands freed from  the three kingdoms and the fourth.

Will and purpose of the Ego is the key here, because it takes all of our willpower and determination as an Ego to consciously meet each and every challenge over and over again until we are finally FREE.  We forget that we are living in "three worlds simultaneously" and that we are only thinking of our immediate physical world and how we meet the challenges of our returning karma - yet we are not only our physical selves; we are emotional, mental and spiritual - all of these worlds are contained within each of these bodies or sheaths - (mental, emotional and physical sheaths or bodies) - all must be realigned and controlled by the power of will, the purpose of finally being free; this in turn, expands and expands our consciousness - no longer are we subject to our "lower mind, the ego that's tied to the emotional body, that which keeps us tied to the wheel of karma and brings us kicking and screaming back into embodiment lifetime after lifetime.  Fiinally, we stand a free spirit, a Heavenly Man. mf

End of Lesson - to be continued:

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