Monday, September 18, 2017

84-2017-LESSON EIGHT The Etheric Body - 9/8/17

We've covered the atom — the splitting of the atom, radiation, essence and transmutation that forces change all part of the evolutionary process.  We now realize that the "splitting of the atom" had to come about in order to catapult us from mediocracy into the radiant light that we are all now experiencing at this particular stage in our evolutionary path.  And yet we are all experiencing this revolutionary process at different stages, different levels and different perspectives.  This is due to where we are on  Jacob's ladder.  For instance we hear discussions concerning "soul mates" and "twin flames"; as well as the Third Dimensions, Fourth Dimensions and Fifth Dimensions -  and yet most of us haven't a clue concerning the exoteric vs the esoteric meaning of these words. 

 We also hear that we are on the Physical Plane, while others dwell in the Astral Plane and still higher beings dwell in the Etheric Plane - and those who are known as Cosmic Beings like the Avatar of Synthesis, Who has volunteered to return from the Buddhic Plane and there are those who have expanded their consciousness to the point that they dwell in an even higher plane in deep, deep space like the Three Divine Contemplators Who reside between the White Lodge and the Great Central Sun, Who are the original Sons of God, the original Holy Kumaras, who are seven in number.  Our Planetary Logos - the Word, also known as Sanat Kumara, who is also one of the original Sons of God, Who has sacrificed Himself in order to save the People residing within our Universe.  Then we have Mighty Victory who came back to our planet during the 1930s at the request of the Master St. Germain. He has never left us and has established his abode while here at the Royal Tetons in Wyoming in the Etheric Plane.  He's working with the  Brothers of the Golden Robe, Lord Lanto and Confucius at the Tetons Retreat.

Today, I will explain the meaning of Soul Mates and Twin Flames, the Dimensions and Planes - and it would be worthwhile for some of you to go back through the lessons as I have Cosmic, Solar and Physical Plane Charts with all those great Beings that the Masters have given us to date residing within these planes in former lessons.  It is very important that you view the charts, print them off and study them, in order to become familiar with the Chain of Hierarchy and the order in which they are assembled through the various Planes.

You've heard me speak of our very beginnings, our sojourn through the concentric rings of our Physical Sun on our journey of the Soul.  I've given you pictures that will help you to familiarize yourselves with our beginnings.

Twin Flames
Moving Through the Concentric Rings
of the our Physical Sun

We were never alone — we were created at the command of our Father/Mother God as Twin Atoms or Monads - these Monads each had Triune Flames that enveloped us in Love, Wisdom and Power, exactly like our Father/Mother God have Their Triune Flames and this is what qualifies us as truly Sons and Daughters of the Most High God - not our physical bodies, for they change each time we incarnate but the "spark" that dwells in each of our hearts that connects directly through the Crystal Cord to the Soul and onward and upward to our Higher Self - the Monad or I AM THAT I AM.  

I AM Presence Encompasses Three Planes
The Figure at the Bottom Represents
Us, Dwelling in the Physical Plane
The Figure in the Middle Represents
The Oversoul or Solar Angel/Holy Christ Self
dwelling in the Higher-Mental Plane or Jiva
(approximately 30-50 feet above our heads 
invisible but not unapproachable)
The Upper Figure Represents
Our Monad, I AM THAT I AM or
Higher Self dwelling in the Etheric Plane
(Approximately 38,000 Feet and above)

The Physical Sun With Seven
Concentric Rings Surrounding It

We traveled with our "other self" our "Twin Flame" all through the Seven Concentric Rings and at some point WE decided that we would bring our knowledge that was gained from residing upon each of the Seven Rays into the Earth.  Some among us decided to stay on the Rays that developed one of  the Seven Qualities or Virtues and teach them to the next group to enter the concentric rings; but WE as Twin Flames left the Sun  to enter the planet. 
In the Beginning
Twin Flames- One Being Six Triune Flames
Our Other Self - the One That Stays
In The Etheric When We Incarnate As
We Stay In The Etheric When They Incarnate
Each group that left the Sun formed a Root Race, the first Root Race would be incarnated under the First Ray with sub-root races of all the other six rays accompanying them.
Each root race was to stay on the planet for  14,000 years (2,000 for each of the seven Rays) and  then ascend back to God. Each Root Race had to spend the involutionary journey within the four kingdoms going through the same evolutionary process that we've experienced during our sojourn on this Planet.  The difference being that the Twin Flames were connected as "one being" androgynous, and inseparable.  These beings went with the Divine Mother, who  oversaw them and kept a close nurturing watch over them until they passed through their final initiations and transfigured back to the Etheric Plane.

It was thousands of years later, when the  Fourth Root Race was incarnating that the separation occurred. Not only did we separate from the Divine Mother and our Twin Monad or other self; but we also moved gradually over a period of time away from our Higher Selves.  The term in the bible is that we "fell from grace" Grace being the operative word, in that we moved in a downward spiral from the higher, Etheric Plane into the Physical Plane (which is part of the involutionary process).  As the planet Earth moved away on its elliptical orbit, it began to cool, and as it cooled down, we were able to dwell in each developing kingdom until we reached the Fourth Kingdom, that of mankind.
Genesis Chapter 6:4 Nephlim/Giants
These Giants were found in Greece
These astounding photos are from a recent archaeological discovery in Greece; This totally unexpected find furnishes proof of the existence of "Nephilim". Nephilim is the word used to describe the giants spoken of in biblical times by Enoch as well as the giant David fought against (Goliath). It is generally believed that most of these Giants came about when the fallen angels had union with earthly woman. Note the incredible size of the skull...
Gen 6:4
There were giants on earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Giant Titans were found around the World
In Egypt They were always depicted as Larger than Ordinary Man   

Num 13:33
And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."

Allegorically speaking the Garden of Eden symbolically represents our Earth at this point in time.  Then if you go to genesis Chapter Six you will find that the Neflim entered the planet at this point during the beginning of our Fourth Root Race, they along with those angels who were driven out of heaven by the Archangel Michael who warned us: "Woe unto mankind because they have come among you".   This is probably the most important part of Genesis, as the "Fallen Ones" arrived at our doorsteps; and found favor with the daughters of man, and took them as wives, and were known as the Titan Race, giants that roamed the earth causing havoc and chaos up until the time of the Flood.  These same "giants" sent Enoch to plead for them to the Ancient of Days, who chastised them and especially the Fallen Angels who were never created to mix with the human race and that they and their generations would wander the earth until  the end times.  

This is the real separation because these Fallen Ones, taught the children of Earth all of their wickedness and so the sons and daughters of the most High God, began to turn from their sacred path and put their minds on material things rather than their spiritual life.  Gradually, they moved farther and farther away from their Higher Selves seeking the pleasures and diversions that have kept them bound to the emotional and physical plane rather than the higher mental and spiritual plane even to this day.

Fear, greed, hatred, bigotry, jealousy are all part of our continued separateness that divides us one against the other.  Whether it's because one is different in their beliefs, the color of their skin or that they are not part of the "status quo" - this is what is stored in our Etheric Body and abides with us until we learn that we are all a part of God, and even the least among us has a "spark of divinity" within the center of their hearts.

Every wound, anger, pain that is held against another is stored in the Etheric Vehicle and rides out of life with you when you die and arrives back into life with you when you reincarnate.  You could say that the Etheric Vehicle holds the karma from one lifetime into the next; until such a time that through the "Law of Forgiveness" one can erase each and every ugly thought, word or deed from the Etheric Vehicle.  These negative thoughts keep us incarnating over and over again upon the Wheel of Karma.

A "Soul Mate" is just that — a person, male or female who is standing upon the same rung of Jacob's Ladder as you are, therefore, they have reached the same level of awareness as you have; and you are most comfortable with them; but they are not your Twin Soul.  The Twin Soul is your other self, and usually, they do not embody with you; but stay on the other side holding the light while you are on Earth, and you do the same when  they embody. It is always up to the Hierarchy when it is time to incarnate once again; and according to each one's attainment, where they will embody; with whom they will embody; (this includes the country, the parents, those who will be karmically tied that must now be dealt with and released [forgiven), and those who will love and support the incarnating soul.  

Many people accuse God for all of their troubles, especially the loss of a child; but in fact, God has nothing to do with their problems.  Usually, it's a blessing to have a child that incarnates for the very last time before ascending back to the Father.  They choose those that they have loved the most in order for them to receive the added blessing of having an advanced soul dwell with them just before ascending back to God.  Most of us have no idea that an honor is bestowed upon us because we are not advanced enough to understand the extraordinary circumstances that are occurring every day that the child lives for we are bathed in his/her aura and are receiving their great wisdom — this is what is meant — "that a child will teach them...," really means.  They come to give us an opportunity to leap forward on our homeward journey.  Also, I will tell you that the child that is born with "Down Syndrome" is living in the oversoul and has come into a a home to teach unconditional love and humility to the parents that sired them.  Usually, this karma has to do with their past lives.... These beloved ones are working at the highest mental level, the sixth jiva, at the soul level, blessing and working from their souls throughout the community they are living in.

Now we will speak about our own four lower bodies.  Most people think they have only the physical body and sadly, they spend an awful lot of time taking care of it.  Yet, we have three other very important bodies that also need attention, and these three are mostly neglected.
So, let's hear what Master Djwal Kwal has to say concerning the Etheric Body....:

The Etheric Body
Receiving Energy Impulses
Sweeping It Into Activity....

The Etheric Body

"(1) We live in an ocean of energies.  We ourselves are congeries of energies, and all these energies are closely interrelated and constitute the one synthetic energy body of our planet.

The Etheric Body is An Integral Part of
the Substantial Form of God Himself
  It must be carefully borne in mind that the etheric body of every form in nature is an integral part of the substantial form of God Himself-not the dense physical form, but what the esotericists regard as the form-making substance   We use the word "God" to signify the one expression of the One Life which animates every form on the outer objective plane.  The etheric or energy body, therefore, of every human being an integral part of the etheric body of the planet itself, and consequently of the solar system.  Through this medium, every human being is basically related to every other expression of the Divine life, minute of great.

The Etheric Body of the Planet

Here, the Master tells us  that our Etheric Vehicle or body is an integral part  of God (not physical but the etheric only — the form-making part or energy body) therefore we can also say that our etheric bodies are also  an integral part of the solar system — and it's because of this fact,  that we now realize that its through this medium that we are connected or basically related to every other expression of the Divine Life, minute or great.  Talk about Quantum Physics and the "Field" now we can add that the "String Theory" basically is the Antakarana or the thread that binds us one to another in all planes, all kingdoms of matter, so the scientists are just now understanding what the Mahatmas were teaching in the "Secret Doctrine" in 1870. — mf

The Etheric Body Receiving  Energy Impulses
It is Naught But Energy Composed of Threads
 The function of the etheric body is to receive energy impulses, and to be swept into activity by these impulses or streams of force, emanating from some originating source or other.  The etheric body is in reality naught but energy. It is composed of myriads of threads of force (String Theory again) or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies.

(2) Within the human etheric body there are to be found seven major force centers which are in the nature of distributing agencies and electrical batteries,providing dynamic force and qualitative energy to man.  Through their constant activity his quality appears, his ray tendencies begin to emerge,and his point in evolution is clearly indicated.
So, within the Etheric Body we find the Seven Force Centers or Seven Chakras that act as distributing agencies.
Seven Force Centers or
Chakras  That Distribute Energy
Throughout the Physical Body
Through These Chakras His God Qualities As
Well As His Ray Tendencies Begin To Emerge....

  It is through these Chakras that the Impulses From the Higher Self enter into the Physical Brain as Ideas, Thoughts enter through the Chakras as impulses that will begin to define who we are and why we have come into the planet — for each of us must begin to display that particular God Quality that defines and determines who we are — it's these qualities that make us unique and remember, that each of us have chosen to express ourselves through one of the Cosmic Seven Rays.  As we mature, we begin to receive intuitively, also through impulses,  how we want to serve during our time on Earth.  Whatever we choose as our career is very much connected to the Particular Ray that we are on.  And finally, we begin to comprehend where we are located along the path of evolution. — mf

(3) I sound here a solemn word of warning. Let a man apply himself to a life of high altruism, to a discipline that will refine and bring his lower vehicles into subjection, and to a strenuous endeavor to purify and control his sheaths.  When he has done this and has both raised and stabilized his vibration, he will find that the development and functioning of the centers has pursued a parallel course, and that — apart from his active participation — the work has proceeded along the desired lines. 
When the Master advises us as our Spiritual Teacher, to apply ourselves diligently to strive for the highest discipline and to raise our vibration by purifying our thoughts, words and deeds,  He is letting us know that the "Path to Attainment" is a steep and thorny one; and that it will take discipline, tenacity, great love and respect for Those Who have sacrificed Their very attainment so that we can also reach those very heights where They reside.  He also reminds us that if we follow His advice and do as we are told, we'll find that our Chakras have developed right along with us on a parallel course and that the work has proceeded along the desired lines apart from our active participation.  So, this means, that if we follow His advice and clean up our act, raise our vibration and continue to do the work, our Chakras and the work of the plan will proceed right along with us. — mf

He then proceeds to warn of the danger and dire calamity that attends the man who misuses his energies and particularly his centers by unlawful methods, and try experimenting with the fires of the body without the needed technical knowledge.  He explained that he who experiments by arousing the fires and intensifying the action of the chakras will pay the price of ignorance in the destruction of matter, in the burning of bodily or brain tissue, in the development of insanity, and in opening the door to currents and forces, undesirable and destructive.  it is not the part of a coward, in these matters concerning the subjective life, to move with caution and with care, it is the part of discretion.
  The aspirant, therefore, has three things to do:
1.  Purify, discipline and transmute his threefold lower   
2.  Develop knowledge of himself, and equip his mental 
     body, build the causal body, by good deeds and 
3.  Serve his race in utter self-abnegation.

Purify by his thoughts, words and deeds through meditation, fasting and doing mantras — the three lower bodies are the Lower Mental, Emotional and Physical-mf

"Man Know Thyself" Know your strengths and your weaknesses.  Build on your strengths and  eliminate those weaknesses that will detain you, entertain you but at the same time destroy all your good intentions.

Service to mankind,  today we have at every turn opportunity to serve — helping out those who lost everything in the recent hurricanes, pray for all of the enemies of the United States of America.  Help feed the poor, or help by joining a humanitarian organization that raises the possibility of brotherhood and global education — especially for the children who will be our future leaders.
In doing this he fulfills the law, he puts himself in the right condition for training, fits himself for the ultimate application of the Rod of Initiation, and thus minimizes the danger that attends the awakening of the fire.  
Initiation is usually meted out  through the "Law of Karma," there are certain times in our lives when we can do no wrong and then suddenly, without any warning everything falls apart, loss of a job, a home and family — or like Hurricane Irma and now Maria, nature rises up and lashes back at the ugliness displayed by mankind towards their brothers and sisters.  Whatever, the circumstances, by discipling oneself, one is more prepared to endure whatever Fate has in store for them. — mf
(4) I would here like to point out the advisability of each student arriving at an understanding of his etheric body, and this for certain reasons.
First, the etheric body is the next aspect of the world substance to be studied by scientists and investigators.  This time will be hastened if thinking men and women can formulate intelligent ideas anent this interesting subject.  We can aid in the revelation of the truth by our clear thinking and from the standpoint of the present pronouncements about the ether, scientists will eventually arrive at an understanding of etheric forms or bodies.

Here Are The Seven Levels Including
the Four Lower Bodies And
Three Higher Bodies
Secondly, the etheric body is composed of force currents, and in it is vital centers linked by lines of force with each other, and with the nervous system of the physical man.  Through these lines of force, it is connected also with the etheric body, of the environing system.  Note that in this lies the basis for a belief in immortality, for the law of brotherhood and unity, and for astrological truth.

The Etheric Body With Its Force Currents
Connecting to Physical Force Centers or Chakras

The Etheric Body is Also Connected  With the
Etheric Body of the Planet and Solar System
Note:  The Law of Brotherhood and Unity and For Astrological Truth will Come About As We "Light Up" our Entire Life By Living, Moving and Existing Within the Etheric Body - This is Where We are Headed and What It Means to Overcome Death - mf

Thirdly, the need of realizing that the Etheric Body is vitalized and controlled by thought and can — through thought — be brought into full functioning activity.  This is done by right thinking and not by breathing exercises and holding the nose.  When this is grasped, much dangerous practice will be avoided, and people will come into a normal and safe control of that most potent instrument, the vital body.  That this end may rapidly be consummated is my earnest wish.
(5) It is necessary likewise that you arrive at the realization that one of the principal objects of endeavor at the present time on the part of those whom you call the Elder Brothers of the race, is to stimulate, purify and co-ordinate the etheric body.  This etheric body is not only the transmitter of prana, but is the medium for all the energies which we are considering.  Its importance also lies in other directions:
1.  Being of physical plane matter, literally, etheric consciousness is the next step etherically, and to cognize etheric matter.
2.  It is the field of exploration immediately ahead of the modern scientist.  In ten years time, many medical practitioners will be recognizing it as a fact of nature.
3.  Most of the diseases that the physical body suffers from at present, have their roots in the etheric body.  There are few, if any, purely physical diseases.  Disease has its source in astral and etheric conditions.
4.  The secret of safe and sane clairvoyance and clairaudience depends upon the purification of the etheric vehicle.

5.  The etheric emanations of people can be great contaminators.  In the purification, therefore, of this body lies the secret of a sweeter and saner humanity.

...In the beginning to form your ideas on the subject, however, it is part of wisdom to adhere to wide generalities, until the whole matter has taken clear shape in your mind. 

To be Continued:
End of Lesson Eight 9/ 18/17

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