Friday, February 8, 2019

106 LESSON 26 - REVELATION - 2/8/19

The Path of Initiation Illustrated
The Rosicrucians

(Note) All Information appearing in Black are the words
of Master Djwal Khul - Those appearing in blue are
comments by Margaret Mary

(1) You must ever bear in mind that that which is revealed is eternally
present.  There is, therefore, occult truth in the statement that there 
is "nothing new under the sun".  All that is revealed upon the Path
of Discipleship and of Initiation, is forever there, but that which can
perceive, reach out and include, has developed with the ages. Upon
the Path of Discipleship, in the earlier ages, the eye of vision is the
illumined mind.  Upon the Path of Initiation, it is that of which the
eye or the mind is the exteriorisation - the intuitional perception 
of the soul itself.

The Opening of the Heart and Mind

But as evolution proceeds,that which is brought to the point of perceiving
the existing verities, differs vastly as the centuries slip away.  E'en the
Adept of the present, is pronouncedly more perceptive and more 
accurately interpretative, and his vision more penetrative, than was
the adept in Atlantean days, and the initiate who will achieve initiate-
perception during the coming Aquarian Age, will be greatly in advance
of those who now function as the adepts of today.

The Adept of Discipleship

I have warned you that discipleship is becoming increasingly difficult.  This is
owing to the increased sensitivity  to the esoteric values and realities which
the modern disciple manifests. He can and does perceive that which was
the goal of initiation in earlier aeons, and perceives these things normally
and as an established fact in a developed awareness. It is the spiritual 
parallel of the development during material evolution, of the five senses.  
His goal and his "pointed direction" lie far ahead, and his inclusiveness
opens for him doors which in earlier times only opened the initiated knock.
I consequently hold out to you no easy way, but only one of difficulty and

Today's Adept of Discipleship

We are totally aware of the difficulties facing today's Disciple Upon The Path - i.e. 
very few are isolated in remote areas of the globe as was previously true for 99%
of those seeking the Path of Initiation.  Not only are most of the students today,
working and living in the world, while raising a family and being bombarded
with every type of materialism being presented to them.  Just the idea of
trying to maintain steadfast to the Divine Plan and to those great beings who
are mostly in another dimension; but also the fact that one requirement that
is placed upon the shoulders of today's disciple is to find his/her group, while
at the same time, discern what is really happening in the world and acting
in a positive, loving World Service that will not only pull those unaware out
of the shadows into the light.  At the same time, as working, living, praying
and doing service as a group, today's Disciple must become  the Bridge
between Hierarchy and Humanity (see example above) while at the same
time reach for the star of his/her own Higher Self and consciously, through
the physical brain connect on a daily basis to the Soul.  As the Master
explained in our last lesson that within the next six (6) years, millions of
us will be living as the Christ by incorporating the Solar Angel and/or
Holy Christ Self that now lies veiled above us between 25 to 35 feet.  Quite
a feat for today's Disciple; but one that many are seeking with enthusiasm.

Initiation and Revelation
The Door

(2) Revelation, induced by right orientation and right thinking, is part of the training of the initiate.  Many thus in training rely their progress by not recognizing the revelation when it arises above the line of their spiritual
You talk of a series of initiations, but the Masters talk in terms of a 
series of revelations, and Their work with Their disciples is to prepare them for revelation.  Bear in mind, brother of mine, that revelation is hard to take and to hold - a point oft overlooked.  It is exhausting to the personality of the disciple, but it is of no service unless the personality recognizes it: It is excessively stimulating, and the initiate passes through three stages where a revelation is concerned:  First comes the stage of estacy, and supreme recognition; then darkness follows, and almost despair
when the revelation fades, and the disciple finds tht he must walk again in the ordinary light of the world;  he knows now what is, but it is at this point that his test lies, for he must poceed on that inner knowledge but dispense with the stimulation of revelation.  Finally, he becomes so engrossed with his service, with aiding his fellowmen and with leading them towards their next revelation, that the excitement and the reaction are forgotten. He then discovers to his surprise that at any time and at will - if it serves his selfless interests - the revelation is forever his.  PONDER ON
Well, thank God we have Djwal Khawl as our teacher, otherwise we would not recognize the truth as it's being revealed to us through REVELATION.
He also warns us that when we finally get to have the revelation, it is so dramatic and otherworldly, that it's definitely hard to hold onto the flashing to the estacy that was very real but also very brief "like a flash in the pan".
Of course, D. K. does warn that this is also our "testing period" - and we must, therefore, proceed with our bridging and service, prayers and good works, helping all the others within the group to experience THEIR revelation; and of course, the old saying applies here 'if you are in despair and feeling low, go out and help someone else' - this is absolutely true
in the case of the disciple, because it is at this point that he/she without even realizing it can have these revelations "AT WILL"! Because, the disciple's first objective is to Serve God through his/her fellowman, and  to lift that individual out of the shadows into the Light Everlasting.

The Revelation
Here, the Disciple's Entire Being is Alight with the 
Christ Consciousness

(3) The Revelation given to the initiate, is not a vision of possibilities; 
but a  factual experience leading to:
1.  The evocation of new powers.
2.  The recognition of new modes, and fields of service.
3.  Freedom of movement within the bounds of the Hierarchy.
4.  New hierarchical contacts and new responsibilities which
     face the initiate.

He therefore realizes what St. Paul meant when - talkng in hierarchical  terms - he said "All things are become new".  It is not simply a question of vision and contacts, but of vital interrelation and of recognition, which bring with them insight into the Mind of God!.

Padre Pio Modern Disciple and Initiate

Padre Pio lived in Italy and was stigmatized in his early twenties when in
deep meditation with Mother Mary. See Picture below

His entire life was dedicated to helping, serving and healing others.  He performed many miracles for people from all around the world.  During the Second World War when the Italian Army was stationed in Africa; many of the Italian Mothers called upon Padre Pio to protect their sons.  He would
reply that it was already taken care of.  They received proof of his words when their sons began to write home telling their Mothers that they saw Padre Pio who appeared to them in the desert.  This is known as bi-location or Omnipresent, where Padre Pio never physically left his cell; but was
appearing to  these young military men in his Christ Consciuosness and/or light body of the Soul or Holy Christ Self. He actually through his own revelation radiated all four (4) of the factual experiences listed by D.K.

(4) I have stated that initiation is essentially a process of revelation. For the disciple who is being prepared to take an initiation, the emphasis is necessarily  laid upon recognition - the intelligent recognition of what is to be revealed.
This requires on his part a definite emergence from the world of glamour so that there can be a clear perception of the new vision, a new light is thrown upon old and well-known truths, so that their purpose of Deity takes on an entirely fresh meaning. 

We are all aware of all the religions of the world were brought about by Revelation by
those messengers from Hierarchy who embodied the "spark of divinity" that gave
them the means and opportunity to introduce a "new spiritual truth".  It was always
when somewhere upon the Earth, a group of people were ready to receive the
truth of what they were praying for.  Think about it. At the time of the birth of
Christ, the World was experiencing such darkness that people were praying 
daily for the Christed Being (the Messiah) to appear.  It was so dark  that even the Rabbi's 
within the Jewish religion separated and started their own sects called the
Essene Community which was situated in two (2) places within the geography
surrounding the habitat of Jesus.  Mary came from the Essene Community in
the Northern branch - Mt. Carmel, while her cousin Elizabeth came from the Essene Community located further south and close to the Jordanian Border (see Lesson 21) for more detailed information.

Map of Essene Communities Below is Qumran Caves

More on the Essene Communities
(See Mount Carmel in Upper Left-Hand just below Galilee
Now go South to the right of Judea and you'll find the
Qumran Caves and Community)

See Mt. Carmel at top left where Mother Mary 
was raised - then note Qumran just South of Judea.

Mother Mary meets her Cousin Elizabeth

at Qumram - Here she recites her Canticle the Magnificat

The Magnificat, taken from Luke’s Gospel (1:46-55), is the Blessed Virgin Mary’s hymn of praise to the Lord. It is also known as the Canticle of Mary in the Liturgy of the Hours, a special collection of scripture readings, psalms, and hymns that constitute what is known as the prayer of the church. (Priests and other religious are required to pray sections from the Liturgy of the Hours each day.) 
Although the Magnificat has had numerous musical settings from such composers as Palestrina, Bach and Mozart, it can be recited as well as sung. Its name comes from the first line of its text in Latin (“Magnificat anima mea Dominum”) translated in the first line below. Mary proclaims the Lord’s greatness with characteristic humility and grace here.

The Magnificat
(Anima mea Dominum)

My soul  doth magnify the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is His name;
And His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of His mercy
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity 

The Archangel Gabriel and the Annunciation to Mary

Many writers have declared that although the Essenes prepared for the coming Messiah, there is no proof.  Yet, when Mother Mary appeared to the children of Portugal - she stated:  "I am Mother Mary of Mt. Carmel".  Again, when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary when she was very young, he appeared to
her at the School of Prophets in Mt. Carmel.  Once she was made aware of her future role as the Mother to the Messiah, than she ventured South to Qumran to announce the her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, that she was chosen for the greatest role of motherhood.  In the Magnificant she expresses her great joy.

To be continued.....

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