Sunday, December 29, 2019

119 - Lesson 39 - The Seed Groups - No. 1 - An Experiment

All extracts - some adapted - are taken from Discipleship in the New Age, Vol I, pp.35-42)
by the Master Teacher, Djwal Khul.
All writings in blue are comments by M. F. 

1.  Telepathic Communicators
2.  Trained Observers
3.  Magnetic Healers
4.  Educators of the New Age
5.  Political Organizers
6.  Workers in the Field of Religion
7.  Scientific Servers
8.  Psychologists
9.  Financiers and Economists
10. Creative Workers

These groups constitute an experiment.  This experiment is fourfold in nature and a concise statement about it may prove helpful.

I.  They are an experiment in founding or starting focal points of energy in
    the human family through which certain energies can flow into the entire human race.

In other words, Hierarchy will be working with them and through them on the Inner Planes in all ten groups.

II.  They are an experiment in inaugurating certain new techniques in work and in modes of communication.
Again, part of the Divine Plan is to wean mankind away from their current mode of approaching the above fields of endeavor and bringing into the earth through these "seed groups" the Divine Plan as it should be manifesting in all areas and in various fields - while these seed groups will be responsible for maintaining and be in constant communication with those on the inner planes in order for
the Plan to manifest and spread throughout the world.

III.  These groups are also an externalization of an inner existing condition.  They are an effect and not a cause.  That they themselves may have an initiatory effect (as they work out into manifestation upon the physical plane) is no doubt true; but they are themselves the product of an inner activity and of a subjective aggregation of forces which must perforce become objective.  The work of the disciples who find their place in these various groups is to keep in close rapport with ten inner groups which form, nevertheless, one large active group.  This group force will then pour through all the various groups just in sos far as the disciples in the groups do the following things as
a group:
 *  Keep en rapport with the inner source of power.
 *  Never lose sight of the group objective
 *  Cultivate the dual capacity to apply the laws of the soul to the
     individual life and the laws of the group to group life.
 *  Use all the forces which may flow into the group in service; they must learn
     therefore, to register those forces and use them correctly.
Much of what was related in the above explanation is repeated here by the Master Teacher, D. K. but added to the above is that these individuals belonging to these seed groups have to be not only in communication with those on inner levels; but they must be in listening grace in order to transmit the incoming energy while at the same time they have to align and maintain connection with the large active group of servers in all the various fields - while remembering that they are still working and living among mankind i.e. family, friends and associates - their objective is multi-tasking, while under extreme initiation, while still in a human body.  When the Master says they must use all the forces which may flow into the group in service; He means their role as receiver of what is conveyed to them on the inner planes must be transmitted, applied and expanded into every one of the above fields over an allowed period of time in order for this particular experiment to take hold and become part of the work in every field - this new energy must be anchored into each and every field in order for this experiment to bring about the changes necessary in a timely sequence of events.

IV.  These groups are also an experiment which has for its objective the manifestation of certain types of energy which will, when effectively functioning, produce cohesion or at-one-ment upon earth.  The present distraught condition in the world, the international cataclysm and apparent impasse, the religious dissatisfaction, the economic and social upheaval and the
the appalling effects of war are all the results of energies that are so potent - owing  to their immense momentum - that they can only be brought into rhythmic activity by the imposition  of stronger and more definitely directed energies.
Okay, so the reason the Hierarchy has brought about this experiment is clear - we have, as usual, messed up over and over with our mis-use of energy through wars, greed, religious dissatisfaction
we've reached a point where we either connect with this incoming energy or we will shortly self destruct because of our own misuse of our energy - in fact, the momentum right now is so high that
we must all pray that this experiment is successful - and we can begin by praying for these wonderful souls who are putting their lives on the line in severe testing so that mankind can begin to make more positive changes in every field of endeavor; while at the same time accepting and incorporating this energy that will be flowing through all these various fields - hopefully we are in time and that our prayers will be answered.

Each of these groups learns to use a specific geometric alignment of certain of  the energy centers up  the spine to facilitate their work.  We list these for every group.  However, the right use of these centers will take place only when there is a greater group unity established among the members of the individual groups and among the groups as a whole.
Again, we see that each individual within each group must be working through their seven chakras that are aligned along the spinal cord; but at the same time, the individuals in every group must have unity with all the other groups in order for these centers to open and become activated in a positive way.  This is quite an initiation and we should all be on our knees praying for these individuals and their groups - that they will be successful and be the first to bring about the changes that are so necessary in order for us  as a planet to move forward on our evolutionary path.

1.  The Telepathic Communication

This is the First Seed Group:
These people are receptive to impression from the Hierarchy and from each other; they are the custodians of group purpose and, therefore, closely related to all the other types of groups.  Their work is largely on the mental plane and they work in and with  thought matter and with the reception and direction of thought currents. They are also working at the facilitation of communication between individuals so that the rules and methods whereby speech can be transcended may become known and the new way of intercourse be brought about.  
Communication will eventually be:
a.  Soul to soul on the higher levels of the mental plane.
     This involves complete alignment, so that soul-mind-brain are completely at-one.

b.   Mind to mind on the lower levels of the mental plane
     This involves the complete integration of the personality or    lower self, so the mind and brain are at-one.

This group uses the following centers in their work:  The head, heart and throat centers.
Owing to the nature of their work which is esoteric and largely on the mental plane, there is little that can be said about evidence of their activity and effectiveness in the outer world.  However, it is worth pointing out that the increased intensity of certain ideas that are promoting the values of the soul and are championing human unity and the sense of responsibility might well be attributed
to the inner work of this particular group.
As we stated in previous lessons that eventually mankind will not
be communicating through speech but rather through telepathy -
and we note here that in order to communicate soul-to-soul, there
must be a complete alignment of the soul-mind and brain - again
we are  talking about meditation on a daily basis and getting in
touch with the soul - this is the first step in aligning the soul-mind
and brain.  He also says that we will be communicating with 
each other -  and this involves the integration of the personality or lower self so that the mind and brain are at-one again one has to
get into meditation in order to concentrate and begin the process of at-onement.  This group will be responsible for bringing about the
gradual acceptance of telepathy as a means of communication - as
stated previously, Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey were receiving
telepathically whole books dictated from Tibet to NYC through
currents sent by the Master Teacher to them, while  they were
in "listening grace" meaning that their soul-mind and brain were all involved while all of the centers of the spine were also in 
End of Lesson

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