Sunday, April 10, 2016

49-2016 -Violet Fire Circle: THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL, Vol. Part 3 2016/6/22


 We will now continue to talk about Light, Love and Soul, of course all contained within the heart of the Father. " And God said:  Let there be Light!...
The fiery essence of the universe can be known as Life itself, or as the"self-shining Light", or it can be known as the active form inherent in the one substance which underlies all phenomena - (P. 611 -" A Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey")

Here we see  that God utilized the fiery essence of the universe to bring forth the light.  This "fiery essence" also known as "FOHAT" is what today's scientists working in Quantum Physics understand to be "THE FIELD" or concerned with  the process involving atoms and protons.  When one speaks of the "World Soul" again, we see the FIELD with the "STRING THEORY" or that all life is connected by a string, from soul to soul also known as the ANTAKARANA OF THE DIVINE MOTHER IN THE EAST. THIS TRULY IS THE SUBSTANCE WOVEN INTO ALL PHENOMENA. -MF

By means of the eye of vision, the spiritual man contacts the soul within all forms and the spiritual eye registers the illumination within them.         (p.231)
Thus, the saying:  "The eyes are the light of the soul" - when we
look at a person, the first thing to look at is their eyes - do they
shine with the light from within?  Or are they flat and dull?  When-
ever encountering someone whose eyes are in darkness, then we
only need look at their auric shield to discover how much light
is emanating - these two areas within and around the body can
quickly determine their character.-mf
  (a)  The form imprisons and cramps the expanding light
Because our physical body is dense, it not only hides our inner
light; but it keeps it from expanding outward.  Only one who
meditates daily and adheres to the Higher Self, can not only
control the expansion of light within and around them; but
as they further develop, they can direct that light out into the
world through working with the heart chakra - mf
  (b) In the destruction of form lies hid the secret of evolution
Here again, the Master refers to the various pralayas that occur
that can either destroy or freeze the four kingdoms - these so-
called endings allows the light bearer to move quickly forward
upon their evolutionary path; while much of mankind, will have
to return along with their "etheric body" filled with all of their
wounds and scars from the previous incarnation, to begin anew
to overcome, erase and begin to serve others according to the
Divine plan, rather than themselves. - mf  

The Initiate and the Master
Working Together Expanding Light Energy

 (c) The Masters utilize the form to the uttermost and work throughout it.
When speaking about the form here, it concerns those initiates
who have reached that state of discipleship that has expanded
into the light to the point that they can now become a living
instrument that is attuned to the Master to the point that they
now work together as one unit.
  (d)  When the minds and brains of men are illumined by the light of the intuition, of the soul and of the universal mind, then there will be a steady adjustment between life and form.                                                          (p. 462)
This is a further explanation of (c) only here, the World Teacher
explains exactly what must happen between the minds and brains
in order to intuit the Soul and the Universal Mind (where the
Masters dwell) - and there will be a continual adjustment as the
disciple expands and expands within that field of light. - mf

The Christ Light of the Soul 
This is what lies within our
Heart Chakra; and is always present
NOTE:  in 85% of mankind this three-fold flame
is only an eighth of an inch high.
When we speak of expansion of the light it
most come from the"heart flame" which is a
Divine Blueprint of our Father/Mother God

Light is always present in man but only becomes significant and potent when seen and known, either phenomenally or intuitionally: " (p. 355 "A Treatise on White Magic")

Even as we speak much of mankind is walking around without a
thought that right within the center of his/her being; "the light of
God that never fails" is sitting at the very center of their hearts.
As long as ones attention is continually looking outward upon the
material world, they continue to miss that very point of light which
is a part of God exiled within them.  But, when they finally begin
to become aware that there's more to life than mere existing; they
will place their feet upon the path and begin to make their journey
back to the Source of all life and love, our Beloved Father/Mother
Light is Always Present in Man


Humanity is the planetary light-bearer, transmitting:

Here, we need to understand that "our light is dim" because
we are not serving God through working and serving others
as well as our planet and solar system.   
(a) The light of knowledge
When we speak of the Light of Knowledge, we are speaking of
those who are moving away from materialism and becoming
acquainted with the light - in so doing they need to KNOW and
then need to find that TRUTH that will set them free. Knowledge
is power to a certain degree and many misuse that knowledge to
manipulate others in order to gain wealth and power. The true
aspirant understands that "getting on top" is not their goal but
getting understanding will bring them the knowledge they need
to move steadily onward upward on their Path of Return. mf
  (b) The light of wisdom.
This is truly the goal of all seekers because first you have to
have the understanding of what it is you seek; then with that
understanding search where to find the correct knowledge to
attain the goal - once one reaches deep within and begins to
serve, absorb, and give forth that knowledge, then and only
then can the wisdom  that combines both understanding and
knowledge connect one to the oversoul , who knows all, sees
all and understands all that is. --mf

  (c) The light of understanding
This is truly when one leaves the outer darkness and begins
the journey homeward - first of all they need to understand
what path they will journey on; and once this is achieved
they will need to understand their role in the tapestry of
the Divine Plan. Once they open their inner eye and through
concentration and consecration of their time and love of
God; they can now attain knowledge.  -mf

These three aspects of light carry three aspects of soul energy to the soul in all forms, through the medium of the world soul.                               (p.100)
The World Soul is the goal of all aspirants; and when one 
has ignited the flame of understanding, knowledge and wisdom
these very aspects get the attention of the World Soul, Who
then disperses these aspects of "soul energy" to all forms-mf

The light of the soul (reflected in his mind) and the energy of form (as expressed in his etheric body) are, for the aspirant, his two basic realities.      (p. 612)
Again, we recognize that at this point the aspirant understands
that the "light of the soul" reflected in his mind and seen through
his eyes; and the energy of form (as expressed in his etheric
body which surrounds his form and gives light energy to all of
his actions) are the aspirants basic realities. -mf

End of Lesson

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